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Cai Lawson

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Posts posted by Cai Lawson

  1. 4 minutes ago, IanB said:

    Advertisments on the site are normally linked to similar content you have viewed, dating sites, dogging sites, or Grindr..

    I banned you because of your user name, it screams spam, what a nugget..

    Well mate, in this case its failing miserably! I am not interested in Russians nor Muslims and am happily married lol. Can you unban my ip so i dont have to use a mask please? Now I have recovered this account I wont be needing and other nuggety type ones will I. 

  2. I made a new account yesterday and for the life of me I couldn't think of a user name, So I used the advert from the page (meet hot Russians) And was banned LMFAO. Funny no? Any way, there are ways around the bans handed out, I assume they work on the IP? Not a difficult side step.


  3. Hi, I have 6 working ferrets kicking their heels atm. I have purse nets, locator bushing dog and a running dog, also bring a young lad put with me with his lurcher. I am living in cardiff and happy to travel to reasonable distance to go ferreting. my main perm is in tewksbury!

    MY mate and I need to get out more be it days or perms. IF any one can help out please give me a shout.

    ATB, Cai.

  4. I know a knowledgeable fella that I might be able to bring up mate. I have a westie I'd like to give a crack on rats etc, and a pup lurcher who needs to see things. My mate has working terrier and lurcher. I would love to come up for a night. He's a good fella for the way to do things.

  5. Hi, I need to get hold if an intact bunny to make an introduction with my pup. I have tries Vic suluvan and the butchers in the indoor market in Cardiff. Apparently butchers are bot aloud by law to have intact rabbits (but they can have braces of whatever birds). Any way I need to start training g my pup for lamping. Just the smell and feel of the real thing. I can drive to collect and even pay for said bunny. Any help appreciated. Cheers, Cai.

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