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About legacy2013

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Can anyone point me inthe direction of someone who fixes knocker boxes?? Thanks Mike
  2. Well took her out again today, a weighing 2.2.6 Still not a bad response but not as instant, i cast her up into a tree and started bushing, a hen pheasant broke cover to flight and she set of after it but only half heartedly really i put this down to a slight rise in weight, that was our only chance today but tommorow the ferrets will be coming out so she wil have a better chance, but today she was following on beautifully and flying a bit more so her cobfidence on the wing was a bit better, fingers crossed for tommorow, atb Mike
  3. Good, i hope so as soon as somthing with fur she was away, hopefully get a kill tommorow, do u thing pheasant wings on a lure would help or will she just get it, ??
  4. Well today was the day, and i still have a harris!!!lol i decided to take her to a local wood that normally holds rabbits as the breeze was still quite strong, got into the wood and cast her up into a tree called her back and response was instant so of we went to find some rabbits, cast her up again and started bushing but before i new it she was of the branch and away, i just caught sight of a squirrel scurrying along the floor about 50 yards away, she was gaining and gaining, at this point a part of me was willing her to miss it incase of a bite and the other part i wanted her to for her fir
  5. Ye it is, shes going to have To wait, feel bad on her but its for her own good, just itching to be out with her!!!!
  6. Is it to windy today to free fly her?? Hmmm....
  7. Well, thought i was going to get a flyer from work yesterday but didnt happen so it was jump ups in the garden, hopefully getting a flyer today so fingers crossed, if not ive got the rest of the week of so it will happen, but just forcast strong winds, but hopefully todays the day!!
  8. Thanks for the reassuring word, ive got some nice burrows right in the middle of some big grasses theyve got to go 100 yards before cover so hopefully shel have a good chance!!
  9. One thing i havent done with her is put her up into a high perch, will this matter when i free fly her for the first time or if she is at weight on the response is good will this be ok
  10. Good thread mate im loving reading it keep it up!!
  11. The telem will be going on for sure, whats furthest youve seen a hartis go or it it more so that they can get lost in cover??
  12. Thanks mate fingers crossed, al get telem on if the worse happens
  13. Hi guys, went out with her today, her weight had dropped slightly to 2.2.4 and her responsewas yet again instant, and even coming to the un garnished glove before id walked back the length of the creance, went out ladst night and caught a rabbit with the lurchers that i tried her on today and she hit it hard and really gripping it, i let her have a feed of it, so everything just semmed to fall into place, shes got to be ready as soon as i put her on the fence her heads down and shes wanting to come, its a if you can see her thinking, i believe the only thing holding her back now is me!! Tommo
  14. Hi guys, when i said perch i meant, i am using a fence thats in the back field, i have been at work all day today but managed to get out with her when i got back and very much the same, i am keeping her at a steady weight of 2.2.6 and her response is instant every time, i cant help thinking shes getting bored of the creance, as somtimes she flyes straight then others she curves round to me changing it up a bit, i dont think shes to far of, cant wait to get her hunting as her foot powers absoloutely awsome, not had chance with dummy yet but gonna get that out tommorow, atb Mike
  15. Took lucky to the back field today for some more creance work, her response was the bestyet at a weight of 2.2.6, she was coming instantly everytime even sometimes coming before she was called (which she didnt get rewarded for) half way through her rations we had a break and did some jump ups, then straight back on the creance to finish of, ver pleased with her today best day on the creance yet. Just one question, i am walking her back to her perch everytime, should i be doing this or should i make her fly?? Atb Mike
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