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block end

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Posts posted by block end

  1. People who haven't got nothing tidy to use so they think other people haven't to ? I'm not prowed ov [bANNED TEXT] I've done I got to live with it for the rest ova my life an tell my kids about not you stop worrying about [bANNED TEXT] other people done in the past an look forward an get ur self descent dog an get out more the being on here

    mate what u did was silly at the time hope u have learnt your lesson coz I heard never mind what))you do put some stuff away))lets just hope lesson learnt
    • Like 1

    Look mate don't need to lie about were my dog r breed from the pups r not 4 sale so way would I say they go bk to nicks I say worker to worker an for u saying do give newbies advice ways that coz I know [bANNED TEXT] I'm on about come on long way an growen up in 6 years people change

    you do sound like top man now. Hopefully il be the same In 6 years
    is this the man police had his phone and that how they had him goat
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    Tony did you buy the bitches off the woman from Sweden?

    They were gifted......read the "whole" topic!!

    I was told by someone that knows Tony the bitches was swooped for a young black dog.

    I was told by someone who knows booth he couldn't lie straight in bed guess he right
  4. I mean you cant do that you want with your own dog!! I under stand the breeder should have a say if $ is not changed hands!! But if it is going to benefit your yard do what you want!! Offer the breeder a pup and that's the end of it!! If they don't like it would you say f**k them!!!?????

    pretty shitty mate should only be 2 if u pack in dog goes back if dog no good pts everything else is bolloxs I think he knows you ain't in it for coin or you wouldn't have the dog in first place
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  5. darrendigger sat here watching this post unfold,mate if your any terrierman or even dog man and ya sell a man a bad dog give the kid his money back and pts the dog,you sell shite which you stated in ya reply then your to blame so be a decent bloke and give the kid his money back,but if ya dont im sure you will never sell another dog on this forum because everyone knows your not a man of ya word

    too late for money back taz dog gone where he should be just lesson learnt end of
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  6. Also the silly c**t has messaged me saying he's going to grass me up. For what I don't know so the wanker ain't just a peddling maggot he's a grass to. Grass away knob head you never met me but by f****d I wish I could.

    he grassing me up as well for barrel baiting or something and some one going to batter me see you round goat I'm moving
  7. If the goat, and block end, and whoever else have all the knowledge and know how use your own so called fantastic dogs of your own and breed what you want. it will save you then the hassle of buying a dog you believe to be substandard and then you cant come on here and accuse people of selling you a dud dog . The last thing is if you sell someone a dog that you think is a good dog and that person after a week two week or whatever ring you saying its no good its to late because you dont know what other people do some people are cruel cxxts that drop dogs in barrels with other things and allsorts of fxxking cruel ways so Breed your own, work your own and, keep your own then if your still not happy its all YOUR !!!! Own fault .

    what the f**k u on about now tit dropping dogs in barrels never heard that one before that's what u do is it the only place that dog was dropped is in the ground in a barrel lol
  8. I had a mate that loved buying in dogs. Especially terriers, I known him to go through a fair few in a few years, and every one of them was shit with the exception of the only pup he bought, rest was adults or ready to start lol that pup worked well an guy that sold him it gave him money back when he told him the dog had started working, point being iv never known a decent terrier to get sold. Not saying it don't happen but iv yet to see one

    your right mate always said good uns never for sale they mates will them if they packing the game in desperate times he learnt his lesson on that one worse part he a good guy with the dogs
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  9. From not knowing nowt, to advertise for a mate. Lol. Folk think people buttoned up the back lol

    exactly mate the guy a right tit 5 year old terrier he only bought to use till he start his pups only done a minute come out quicker than he went in had a piss then pretended there nothing home what a joke done him like a skipper live and learn
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  10. What a load of shit if your own dogs where so good you wouldnt have to buy dogs in first place you could breed your own i havnt sold any dog but a bit of advice you should breed your own then you wont be dissapointed when you buy a dog you clever c@@t plus if you havnt noticed the name by now i put the dog on here for my mate so gone and slate the person you got the dog off you must have his number you dog peddler !!!!!

    that makes you worse than him if it was your so called mate because if my mate ask me to put a pile of shit on here for sale I'd tell him fuckoff
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  11. What a load of shit if your own dogs where so good you wouldnt have to buy dogs in first place you could breed your own i havnt sold any dog but a bit of advice you should breed your own then you wont be dissapointed when you buy a dog you clever c@@t plus if you havnt noticed the name by now i put the dog on here for my mate so gone and slate the person you got the dog off you must have his number you dog peddler !!!!!

    first thing clever c**t my mate bought the dog because he lost 2 when he tried that piece of shit he lost 3 and as for peddler never sold a dog on if it ain't good enough for me ain't good enough for some c**t else un like you c**ts dog is off the merry go round now u tit
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  12. Just got a bellman and flint pieps setup for next season just wondering is there anything that is a common problem on then or any special way of getting the best from it as i have always used the deben mk3 atb dd

    if it's anything like that dog my mate bought off you a month ago leave it at home cose he was complete dirt you lousy c''t
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