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Posts posted by Barralad

  1. attachicon.gifIMG_9276.JPGattachicon.gifIMG_9277.JPGattachicon.gifIMG_9278.JPGattachicon.gifIMG_9280.JPG


    Can do them like this if you want buddy but to be honest I personally would prefer a wee brass loop as shown or a chicago screw for neatness otherwise the bio-thane sticks out a tad. Still nice & strong leads though. Hope this is of some good to you, Del.

    Absolutely spot on Del and thanks for the prompt response. If the first slit is closer to the end of the strip the end might not stick out too much, alternatively could be trimmed afterwards.


    Think I`ll measure up for my two (Stafford & Lurcher). What natural colours are available?

  2. Your not far from me,if your location is right... Can get you out with a lad who will put you on a bit of gear if you'd like

    Might not be a bad idea to get him out with other dogs that already know the game. Permission seems a bit tight at the moment , but will use the summer to do a bit of crawling round the area.


    What a complete joke! You got that plonker creating the atmosphere for a fight in the kennel with them two ridgebacks giving them one bowl of food between them.. Then those two women took that Akita to the point of exhaustion before dragging it out the house almost choking it unconscious. Surely these people must undertake some training with dogs and showed some competence before being allowed to tackle these situations? To me it seemed as if most of them were clueless and shouldn't be near animals.



    Got to agree. I think the inabilities of the so called wardens & poor handling of the dogs was what frustrated me more than the low-life scum that mis-treated the dogs.


    It needs to be made harder to own & breed dogs...only thing is...has it gone so far that it is impossible to recover the situation?


    It would take a seriously hard line approach & an initial high number of dogs put to sleep to even make a dent in the problem.


    I wouldn`t mind having to be licensed to own or breed dogs, but I also think that it would have to be done affordably? Licensing alone won`t solve the situation, it would have to be in-line with other pre-requisite criteria & proof of capability of ownership etc...Christ...Where would would you start???


    Why bother getting a dog if all you're going to do is abuse it like that? Sick as f**k.


    He got 80 days prison I think, hopefully there are some dog lovers inside or better still, he cops it when he comes out...



    Never heard of the c##t before, but found out he lives about 10 minutes from me. There`s now an 80 day countdown on my calendar!!!

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  5. I wouldn`t fret about it Dan. Mine was the same out in the field & in & out of the back of the Jeep. He`s 11 months now & still training as far as jumping is concerned, in fact this morning was the first time he cleared without touching the top of what is a reasonably low fence.


    I coaxed him gently by the collar & took small steps at a time. I won`t have him jump any higher yet until I`m absolutely sure that he can clear with confidence. It`s been slow going, but we`re getting there. He is in & out of the Jeep no problem at all now.


    Don`t risk injury in a such a young dog that`s still developing physically. It can be quite hard to be patient at times, but you will reap the rewards if you are.


    He`ll do it!

  6. Report in the local rag has been updated to include a £100 reward from an annonymous source, (not me), if the culprit is identified. Full story to appear tomorrow apparently. I`ll update as & when.


    Personally I wouldn`t be interested in the reward, I`d rather gain satisfactory closure another way!



  7. I have the same problem whiteracer!


    I`m 6 foot with a skinhead, a Stafford & lurcher on the end of the leads. Some of the reactions of other dog walkers at times are fecking laughable.


    It is good though when I just click my fingers or give them the "side" command, then walk calmly past whilst the feckers are screaming at their mutts which will do nothing that they want them too.......Irony I think they call it!





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  8. My Stafford bitch is very biddable. Great with other dogs.


    Puts up with the lurcher pup to a greater degree than a lot of other dogs would. They sound like they`re killing each other when they are at play, yet not so much as a toothmark between them.


    She`s had lots of hassle from other dogs, but never bit one yet. She`s got a fantastic tolerance level, even when really pushed!



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    I treated 4 lurchers at the same time with ivormec only 1 of them contained collie blood and that was the one that had the bad reaction and nearly died.

    They were all given the correct doses aswell, maybe it is a myth but in my case it seemed to prove it wasn't.



    Some dog breeds, such as Shetland Sheepdogs, Collies, Old English Sheepdogs and Australian Shepherds, can experience a sensitivity to ivermectin. As per my previous post, an alternative for these breeds is milbemycin, a heartworm-preventative medication.

  10. If you`re going to treat for mange, you need to know what type of mange your dog may have first. No point in treating guesswork.

    For example:


    Cheyletiella mange can be treated with just a mild dog shampoo to make the dog more comfortable & will usually run its course in about 3 weeks.


    Demodectic mange can be treated with Demodex or Ivermectin. Some dogs can have a reaction to Ivermectin so another alternative could be milbamycin, a heartworm preventative.


    Sarcoptic mange can be treated with the likes of Ivermectin, Selamectin, Moxidectin or milbamycyn oxime.


    If in doubt, use the vet. Don`t understand why some folk put shedloads of effort into a working dog, then avoid the vet to save a few bob. If your dogs worth it, get it to the vet & get it sorted.


    (Although I do realise you sometimes have to be a little selective over which vet you attend)!!!

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