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Posts posted by mackay

  1. Over there, over here, the biggest majority of them have had shady dealings. Don't remember the establishment going after anyone else with such enthusiasm though.

    Remember when Trump was in?. It was open day on the Trump family, his wife's dress sense, the last time his young son went for a shit. Biden and his decidedly dodgy son and extended family have never been subject to anything close, christ, you could nearly forget who's in the Whitehouse just now.  I'd vote for Trump for that reason alone and I think a lot of people will.

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  2. 1 hour ago, steve66 said:

    The c*nts will only get stronger, until they turn on each other , hopefully that will be their downfall 

    That or the inbreeding.

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  3. 14 hours ago, Franks dad said:

    Peter Wates, 67, of Purley, Surrey, a retired former member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, was sentenced to 12 years in prison. Forensic officers found a scrotum and two penile shafts inside a tub of butter marked with the instruction “do not defrost” at his home address.

    mine just says utterly butterly 

    His was obviously lurprick.

    • Haha 1
  4. There are some serious mental issues out there in main stream society. Caused by the vaccine?, caused by lockdown? or perhaps the realisation by people that they are not actually in control of their own lives anymore and have been and probably will continue to be controlled by someone somewhere for some hidden (or maybe not) agenda.

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  5. 37 minutes ago, WILF said:

    I have read and studied about the German Death Camps and the apparatus, the training and recruitment of the staff, the command structures, what happened in those places, who did what etc etc etc

    Its terrible beyond all belief, as in you can’t even begin to imagine how terrible.

    But as I always say, Germany didn’t just have hundreds of thousands of murderous psychopaths walking around waiting for the National Socialists to turn up…..not at all.

    We are talking about a moral, cultured, educated people here…..a highly developed nation of Christian people, advanced with industry and art and music and medical science.

    Germans were not some kind of robotic savages ready to kill men, women and children on command.

    No, what happened was that the land for this seed to take root was made fertile by western governments and their banker mates allowing and inflicting massive abuses on a sovereign nation of people who had a strong history……..history teaches us that a strong European people will eventually react to abuse if you give them nowhere else to turn…..and it’s catastrophic!

    Obviously we are less free and the control of governments is greater over us now days, so we bare shackles that people in the 30s & 40s did not and that means any type of push back is very easily countered but make no mistake, that can only mean the retribution ultimately has to be worse and of a more cataclysmic scale than that which we witnessed in Germany in the 30s

    If you want to know how the mild mannered doctor or local builder starts pushing kids into ovens….just strip him of everything and abuse him and his children in his own land.

    Governments and the people who keep voting for these people must be literally insane to not recognise the parallels with history……they can shackle everything but human nature ! 

    Perhaps that's what they want.

  6. 30 minutes ago, TOMO said:

    I was in morrisons the other day...and still see the odd old couple with masks on....but what really got me was a young shop assistant lass...about 20 ish....with a fecking mask on...

    Same in one of the gyms I go to....chaps walking round spraying disinfectant on the benches and bars and wiping it off....really greats on me does that

    Yep, miss the good old days when you gutted rabbits or whatever and ate your chips on the way home, probably had had a dump in the long grass as well. How did we survive?.

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  7. 47 minutes ago, Bangersanmash said:

    So all that money spent for f**k all. Rwanda will love the uk. 

    Add to that the money going to the French, we're getting one almighty fcuking using.

    • Like 2
  8. 18 minutes ago, WILF said:

    As the saying gos mate, divs and their money are easily parted !

    If I was France, I’d be doing exactly the same.

    To be perfectly honest, if I was France I would be supplying the boats.

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  9. I actually think the sad fcukers that foisted multiculturism onto us have turned decent charitable folks into racists and created more bad feeling than there ever was, but then again maybe that's the plan.

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  10. 4 hours ago, bell said:

    Will be jumping on the train in a couple of hours heading south…..will be counting the minutes until I jump back on it heading back north later today :D

    I'd rather jump in front of the train.

    • Haha 3
  11. 2 hours ago, JestJester69 said:

    Why don't we ever tell secrets on a farm? Because the potatoes have eyes, the corn has ears, and the beans stalk.

    I tried to catch some fog earlier. I mist.

    Ever hear about the book on anti-gravity? It's impossible to put down!

    Jester you feckin aint mate.

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  12. More moons ago than I care to remember my brother and I had a couple of coaches. We did a lot of work for the orange lodge and rangers supporters clubs but we had a contract through another coach company for a celtic supporters pub. Never really had any grief and with the exception of the odd twat most of the folk rolled along and did their thing, kick the pope ,kick the queen etc. Never ceased to amaze me why anyone could get so caught up in the whole thing, but they did and clearly still do today. Didn't matter which side of the divide you were driving for, if you shut your eyes they all sounded the same only different. It was in the days of the good old cassette player and a glove box full of tapes, I had a big T or H on the tapes for tim or hun. Nearly came a cropper one day whilst taking the celtic crew to Parkhead and one of the guys (this was in the days when folks walked about the bus drinking like a big mobile party) asked to put music on. Fill your boots says me, keeping an eye on the road.  Out the corner of my eye I see the H on the tape going into the machine. Fcuk me, I've never moved so quick, nearly totalled the bus. The thought of the sash blaring out and fifty drunk celtic supporters sitting behind me still keeps me awake some nights.

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