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Posts posted by jack44

  1. I do a bit of lamping but mostly just general mooching about letting lurcher and me terrier have a go with what ever they come across mosty hare fox and a few patchs of rabbits, game is scarce enough can be hard work ha. The ground isn't that good so noting to whippety. 

  2. Just wondering if anyone has or knows of any litters available in ireland. Im not on facebook and getting it hard to find the right pup I had to put down my dog a few weeks ago due to a broken leg he was only 3yr old I only keep one lurcher at a time dont have work for any more to be honest pup would be with me for good never sold a dog on in my life all info welcome ??

  3. 15 hours ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

    My mates dad was a sporting superstar , football , running , squash he was always at the top 

    we were once sat in his house after a school cross country event when he got home from work . 

    “Well how did you get on ? “ he asked as he hung up his coat 

    “came second dad , outta two hundred “ my pal replied 

    “ second ? Second ? You might as well have come last “ 

    still laugh about that 

    Ur mates dad sounds a bit of a prick with that statement. 

  4. 9 hours ago, Jonjon79 said:

    I think the Welsh team underestimated them today.


    If England and South Africa stick to recent form tomorrow,  we should have this in the bag ? ???????



    I wonder how many Irish, Scots and Welsh will be supporting the home team tomorrow  :hmm:

    How is england a home team for the irish. By the way I do think england will win

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 7 hours ago, bird said:

    who said divide ?  , i said  1  country , let there own police deal with it,   Ireland  doesnt want to live in peace , if they did  you wouldnt shoot sombody just because  he Catholic or Prod  , we dont kill people for religion over here , fook me if we did  all the  pakis and mu-slams , over be lying dead in the street like them poor  2 soldiers  were that day. no mate    like say  let them get on with running there own1 country , just think Brexit  would have run smoother  with out N/Ireland   deff

    The prob all started with your country allowing the northern irish Catholic to be treated as a second class citizen and when 95% of them were protesting peacefully the police allowed loyalist thugs attack them and theres only so much you take before you react. Atrocities on both sides where avoidable if your goverment intervened in the right way early in play

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