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Posts posted by .WARREN.

  1. Well it was a pleasure to step out with the hounds today in condition that were a stark contrast to the onslaught of late, Due to unforeseen circumstances the planned days hunting was in jeopardy but after a few phone calls I arrange a little walk out , using it as more as an exercise day helping to induct the pups to a life in the pack.


    With the frost hard on the ground and the bad weather of late I had high hopes of finding early on and my little hounds didn't disappoint as we drew the thick wooded valley I was surprised it held scent at all because for most part it was rock covered in moss at best. A flick of a stern soon turned into full cry and away they went. Up the valley to start with a sharp check right handed towards the safety of an under ground Hide . I love these little moments when I fold my arms behind my back on cold morning and just drink the sound of hounds echoing up a valley . Unfortunately there was only one place this particular adversary was heading so with the aid of a well placed friend ( more luck than judgement :laugh: ) I managed to stop them and continue the draw to see if any others were lurking ahead and were willing to follow there companion to same place.


    After a short conversation on the radio the amended plan was set and onward and upward we ventured ( literally :laugh: ) . I was beginning to question my decision to call them off at the end of the thickest cover when I heard one of the casting hounds begin to let me know something was about. fair play to the pups they are starting to know the game now and bee lined straight for all the commotion and away they went. Across the weather beaten bracken they drove climbing above the tree line, over a mountain stream and just before they were going take him across the vast wind swept ground above , two inquisitive ewes tracked up the slope and stood right on the line. Now normally I would have cast them passed but with only two of us out caution was required . It was funny looking back because the ewes stood they're ground and the hounds stopped dead and looked at me as if to say "what going on" lol. I took the second gifted opportunity to call them back early which is difficult not to get carried away but it a handy ability at times.


    Sticking to the plan Back down the other side of the valley we ventured thought some clear fell with no joy . I was hoping the first one may left a little insight to his whereabouts but he'd done just as what I'd thought ( it's not often I'm right :D ) . We were soon running out of ground so with a heavy heart the team were asked to fall in and we made our way towards a milky coffee and a long chat with an old friend. As ever it is it's a pleasure to be out and about and there's always a hope that's there better rabbits to hunt next week :thumbs: .

















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    I don't know baw my theory is to reduce the nicotine content down gradually to nothing same as with the patches then sack the thing.

    My mrs has never given up for more than an hour and she's doing well so I'm not complaining.

    Paulus,I've tried them plastic look a like fags and just didn't really work for us but these ones I got on eBay are great.

    Aye mate, worth a try. You need to stick to that though, I know folk that's been smoking them for 2 years now and don't like they are going to give up any time soon lol


    people do not realise theres 2 distinct things to giving up smoking 1 is the nicotine addiction and 2 is the habit, i still smoke the ecig at the back door :laugh::laugh:


    :laugh: :laugh:

  3. Last Thursday we had the pleasure of a days ratting on a farm where i do the terrier work .I was stuck for terriers as it was a midweeker but a post on here put me in touch with a couple of lads and the day was arranged.Met them at 8.45 near to the farm and by 9 we were there.The farmer had in mind to pull a small shed first which surprised me as its been usual to do it last as theres not much to the pulling nor is there many rats under it ,its usually left to last when the dogs are slower and sore .The two guest lads used their dogs here as too many can be counterproductive i find on a small shed .Steve had a pack of Bedlingtons and Paul brought two lurchers and a choc Pat.After the shed was pulled i jumped in the digger and shifted the muck left behind to allow rats to bolt and dogs to do their thing .Killed 60 odd here in under 15 minutes. Good start.

    Onto the next shed a bigger shed and better prospects here by all the rat trade about the edges .Took the farm workers a bit of time to get the shed moving but as soon as it was sliding we started digging the muck and it was clear assumptions were right .Throwing dead rats clear we soon amassed a good pile .We turned it over until the digger was free and stood back as a mate drove it to shift muck.It was apparent that we would be on for 300 plus here with two more sheds to go .As the sheds are pulled ,some of the dogs stay underneath killing rats that are shifted .We counted a good 50 underneath the shed that we could see with definately more deeper under ..The count was now at 478.The next shed was much the same as the last with 352 killed .Brought the 60 up from the small shed and layed them out for a pic which i think youll all agree is pretty impressive .890 from 3 sheds.The dog work was first class ,we only lost 3 that i saw get under a fence and into a ditch behind us ,breeding stock you could say lol.

    By now it was nearly 4pm and the farmer asked if i wanted to do the last shed.Asked the lads and checked the dogs over .We decided to do the last one and after putting a few dogs away due to injury ,age we drove to the last shed which was the other end of the farm .

    Luckily ,as they started pulling the shed it was apparent that a drinker had been leaking and the numbers would be fewer the dogs being mostly tired by now.However the numbers started building steadily even before we dug it over with many rats bolting out to the sides .The dogs showing that tiredness was just a state of body and not mind .I was impressed with both sets of visitors dogs as they had never seen numbers like this before .We never picked up any rats from here but a rough count as they died brought the tally to 1032 ,our new record which will be hard to beat here i think .


    The bag before the 60 were added


    and after .890 head of vermin with 15 assorted dogs .Final tally of 1032 ,happy days.

    cracking job done there, well done dogs and all


    Mods, is it not possible to send out a global pm to every member on here with a link that stig has put up to get a vote in?


    It would be great to hit them with a couple of thousand votes :yes: especially in their own back yard.


    Wilf know what you mean nothing ever seems to come of these but it's always satisfying to wind up these tree huggers

    glyn started it and he was`nt getting any support --so i thought i`d try and add a bit of weight to it and try and push it --i`ve got to say i`m supprised at the lack of response from a hunting site ....


    just shows there not that many hunters on here,

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