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Posts posted by Jumpin'Jack

  1. keep it on lead until trained






    make yaself more interesting pal, dog see's ye as a bore, sorry but its true :thumbs:

    Couldnt agree more.Take a toy our with you? Maybe a squeaky one.My Saluki cross gets extremely focused when I take a frisbee out with me. He will ignore other dogs and people if I go to throw the frisbee

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  2. This is what I feed mine -

    Dr Johns Gold kibble (£10 a bag but looks great on it)

    Naturediet meat

    Raw minced food from DAF.

    Green tripe.



    Raw eggs

    Sardines (in olive oil)

    Mackeral (in tomato sauce)

    Supplemented with salmon oil and keepers mix

  3. I've got my first lurcher, he's 9 months now, started him jumping stuff in the house . Now he can jump over a bus. not really but he's getting confident over fences , i still cringe a bit on the barb wire , but the dog isn't really bothered.When excited he doesn't even think about clearing a gate. When he's bored he might whinge about a 2 foot rail. I would say now is a good time to up the stakes as he's getting physically developed and joints aren't the issue as they would be at say 4-5 months. A major factor for mine was having other dogs around to lead the way, it does build confidence quickly (cheers john and jai) also i think angle your walks and mouching around finding fences/obstacles he can jump go back and forth and give plenty of praise. It's also important to walk away and push the dog to find his own confidence. keep it easy but learn when to challenge the pup. best of luck Joe.


    This is how mine learnt to jump. Left him one side of a fence and walked away. He howled and barked at first but soon understood what to do ;)

  4. Started mine about a year old

    Did you lift him over up until then?


    He had jumped over smaller things until I started letting him jump the big stuff. Did lift him over high gates though

    I tried avoiding lifting him over things. He would have to figure out what to do himself (by going under/through fences).

  5. 28tts some big dog that bud hope he does yous proud,sure can jump :thumbs:


    Dunno how he got that big, the bitch was 23" and I think the sire is 26"!

    He's had a few catches so far but there's a local lad going to be taking us out with him this season so can't wait!

  6. Me and my step mum out walking our three lurchers on a different bit of land earlier.


    Thought I saw 2 lurchers a field away, next thing theres his dogs running after ours and are all playing chase.


    Richard had previously messaged me on here saying I could go out lamping with him and a friend when the season starts.


    He recognised Jack straight away from the pictures I have posted on here.


    What a lovely chap he is, can't wait to get out with him in the season! His dogs are horny b*****ds tho :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    And I saw my first hare! 5 dogs and not one of them saw it :icon_eek::icon_redface:


    The dogs are now fast asleep after a 2 and a half hour walk/run.


    Cheers Richard :thumbs:

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