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Mark White

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Posts posted by Mark White

  1. I have been trapping moles on a small scale for about 5 years and normally do well and started 2 new job last week with new traps tramplex traps on one site set 10 tramplex traps caught 5 in the 5 that went off and no signs of any more moles for now. on the other site set 20 tramplex 10 barrel 8 scissor only the tramplex are new I have been and checked the traps everyday and not one has gone off, none of the barrel or scissor traps have been back filled there seems to be movement around the trapping area with hills still appearing and some of them running on the trap line , am i being robbed by the client who is maybe taking them out and re setting them as i charge per mole I hope not as he is a neighbour but i am really running out of ideas on what i could be doing wrong. I have set them with and without gloves.

  2. mine run out last year but i have not changed all that much I also have my points removed in feb this year so may do it then they are thieving bustards and they can wait until I am ready to give them any of my money if they wish to charge me more I will not be paying it either.

  3. thanks for that so anyone with a certificate can sell but without you can only give it way in the fur, although I did not see any where to say it has to have its guts with it if selling to game dealer. so a few things have changed since I started and finished my dealer days.

  4. when i done mine you can only sell to a dealer if you dont have a certificate and you have to leave the guts in so they can be checked for health. if you do have a certificate you can sell up to 10,000 small game animals to food outlets or the public. and the rules are the same for deer other then the numbers which is up to 300 animals regardless of size. I also was a game dealer I was paying £1 for a rabbit and if the rabbit was gutted and oven ready I would give £3 I sold at £4 or 2 at £6.50 to the public I was inspected by environmental health a few times and as I got larger I was inspected by meat and hygiene and not once did they say I could not buy rabbit oven ready from hunters as long as I had there certificate number and kept records of it.

  5. I need to get some Rabbits in the Somerset/Wilts area(will collect for numbers)and I will pay £1 paunched in the jacket or £2 if they are paunched/skinned/aicht bones split and arseholes cleaned.

    Any Rabbits must be fresh,I will take frozen if they are cleaned as I mentioned.If you have a regular supply I will give you large plastic bags to freeze them in.I am also after a regular supply of pigeons too,and I pay 20p each fresh.....not frozen.


    Please pm me .................Martin


    Martin after reading and rereading the thread and wholeheartly agree about you needing to make money etc.


    Your request for pauched rabbits has a huge problem as a lincenced gamedealer and under the small game section your should be taking in rabbits with guts for you or your staff to do the set out checks on the intestine .


    We all know this never happens but I think you need to rethink posting that request on a open forum as if the agency looks into and find this topic it could put your business under scutinty .


    Just a friendly bit of advice Cookie :thumbs:

    I need to get some Rabbits in the Somerset/Wilts area(will collect for numbers)and I will pay £1 paunched in the jacket or £2 if they are paunched/skinned/aicht bones split and arseholes cleaned.

    Any Rabbits must be fresh,I will take frozen if they are cleaned as I mentioned.If you have a regular supply I will give you large plastic bags to freeze them in.I am also after a regular supply of pigeons too,and I pay 20p each fresh.....not frozen.


    Please pm me .................Martin


    Martin after reading and rereading the thread and wholeheartly agree about you needing to make money etc.


    Your request for pauched rabbits has a huge problem as a lincenced gamedealer and under the small game section your should be taking in rabbits with guts for you or your staff to do the set out checks on the intestine .


    We all know this never happens but I think you need to rethink posting that request on a open forum as if the agency looks into and find this topic it could put your business under scutinty .


    Just a friendly bit of advice Cookie :thumbs:

    I like this comment but that is not always the case if the person has a small game certificate then the dealer does not need to inspect the guts as the certificated person has to do this if sold with out the guts.
  6. Here is my frt just coming to the end of her 3rd moult this year Fat weight 4lb 8oz last year at the end of the season she was hunting at 3lb 10oz and her feet are just shi of 6 inches on a flat surface breed by Dean Winham.


    she is a monster mate, stunning as well, we might look to one of these eventually to try on hares, I know they are more than capable, do you fly them with yours?

    Here is my frt just coming to the end of her 3rd moult this year Fat weight 4lb 8oz last year at the end of the season she was hunting at 3lb 10oz and her feet are just shi of 6 inches on a flat surface breed by Dean Winham.


    she is a monster mate, stunning as well, we might look to one of these eventually to try on hares, I know they are more than capable, do you fly them with yours?

    I have tried as we have loads but to date she has not bothered I think she has flown at 2 but did not try to hard she happy to go after muntjac foxes rabbit squirrel snakes pheasant pigeon on the wing which is great and she took a frog went some 60 yards to get it when ferreting under her. I spoke to some one the other day with regards to her weight and they told me she not far off the weight of a small golden pretty happy being told that to.
  7. There is a law that state anyone can kill a wild animal on private or council/public land if the animal is injured if they believe the land owner would give permission to do so, it does not cover the taking of the animal as this would be theft, The land owner would have to be informed at the soonest possible time as he would be responsible for the carcass and it is against the law to leave any animal above ground if it has been killed by un natural causes . I have not seen the list of animals that cannot be released of late but muntjac where not on it. but the deer act does stop the muntjac from being helped as I stated above but if the deer is stuck in a fence and uninjured you could get away with releasing the muntjac as the amount of stress the animal is in is likely to decline very quickly if you covered its head while cutting the fence. Trespass is not a criminal act it is a civil case unless done with a fire arm or in pursuit of game.

  8. Muntjac can only be released within one mile of where they where taken if you dont have a licence but the animal welfare act may make this illegal as the release site would have to be correct and if it has muntjac on it already they could be causing the animal stress or others stress by releasing it then they are breaking the law they would also need permission from the land owner even if it council or publicly owned. animal charities have been breaking the laws for years when they try and save any deer after a rta as the deer act say quite clearly that a deer should be dispatch if the animal is going to suffer any more stress then it is already in, and I can not think of one wild animal let alone deer that are happy and dont become less stressed when we pick them up. Where are these muntjac coming from that they are releasing this could help answer the question a bit more.

  9. I had to trap a mates bird last year made my own it works a treat easy to make and you dont have to do anything other then bait the trap I used 3 chicks as they stand out on the ground and it had eaten a few over the years you could use a rabbit or something else as well I sat some 100 yards away in my car until the trap sprung but you would have to no it is in the area.

  10. got a few down here mainly grass snakes my bird of prey caught one last year i managed to save it with no injures to the snake bird or me took it home to show the kids and it got loose now living or was living under our floor.

  11. I have found using a rabbit distress call for foxes works if they are in the area I think it more to do with them being curious though then coming for a given reason. I have not had any joy in using a bark caller other then it stops them from walking for a few seconds to take a shot.

  12. the pond dont look like it would be big enough to put a inland in the middle but may be you could put a couple of pallets in the middle for them to sit on as they will feel safer and hange around a bit more. other then that it looks good. are you feeding on the bank if so throw a little in the water around the edge.

  13. I dont see why weight a problem as long as it balanced well you should be ok with most high end rifles hw 90 95 have you considered the sharp and nover it a pump up rifle 3 pumps for each round and it at full power 2 pumps takes it to about 10lb and 1 pump its at pistol power they are a little timely but it can be done very quietly all though I dont no if you can still get them. the other way is by a spring one at a weight you like and fit a therbon gas ram system but check what rifles they say they can fit I know they work in most makes of rifles and need know gas bottle.

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  14. total agree with the above comments but i will say again dont drop the weight to quick i made that mistake they dont respond well in the warm weather or if they are not fit enough i dropped my female to 2lb 5oz yes she did respond but was crap and screamed from that day on i put her weight back up by another 2oz and she flew at every thing but did not catch or do any long chases it was not until the following season that i found i was flying her well under weight she is now flying at 3lb+ depending on the weather that what happens when you take bad advice. she flies at every thing now from frogs to muntjac and even took a pigeon on the wing I fly mine 6 days a week for 3 hours a day so mine is very fit. good luck do it right and you wont need another bird

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