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Posts posted by SON OFF SHAM

  1. Do your brothers have any kids ?? I would of thought if they do and don't want any money, it would have gone to their children.


    I'm not sure your brothers can sign away there inheritance just like that. Maybe they could accept the money then give it to you.

    Yes they have kids but as far as I can find on the net if a parent ( like mine ) dies before the grandparent then theyre kids are next in line ( grandchildren ) but it does not extend to great grandchildren. My brothers don't want anything to do with it so they will not accept it. The forms have been drafted already and they have signed they're part away. Very stubborn men, as for me I like to stirr things up plus it's mine by law so why not.

  2. To true one. Old women across the road died about 4year ago she had two daughters. Ones contesting the will and the house has been empty all that time. The grandson comes cpl times a month to check on it. I always thought any cash went to the immediate family ie sons or daughters didn't know grand kids could get a cut.

    Seeing my mums dead and there was no will it goes to children so under the circumstances grandchildren ( me ) are Intitled to our mums 3rd.

  3. Heres a tricky one for yous,

    My grandmother just died ( without a will ) my grandfathers dead and so is my mother.

    Myself and 3 other brothers have two aunties that we don't get along with on the same side of the family.

    So lets just say my grandmother died with £30,000 in savings, 1/3 goes to both of my aunties ( her daughters ) and my mothers 1/3 split 4 ways to me and my 3 brothers. So I work that our at 1/12 each of the total.

    Nows were it gets tricky. Because my brothers are reasonably well off and didn't have much of a relationship with my grandparents they don't want any of the estate. So they've signed off there part to say so. Now I want my cut never mind.

    The question is do I still get my 1/12 as before or now am I entitled to 1/3 the same as my aunties ?????? And if not were does the other 3/12 go to that my brothers declined ???

    Looking forward to the replies folks.



  4. what are they used for digging with no collars? never used one ever seen one used

    used one today and yesterday and dont think i will dig again without one u can hear evrything well better using them you no exactly wat your dogs doing weather its digging baying holding get to no your dog alot better and quicker with one

    Your just a gobshite.

  5. no offence intended here gents, but i cant believe the amount of people who havent seen/used one whilst out!


    Very uselful tool, for various reasons as others have said, finding tube, listening to dog, etc etc.


    Dog in, wait for it to settle, find a mark, drop bar in (obvioulsy gently as your breaking into tube) and listen to see whats happening. sometimes if your quarry is not quite bottled up, the noise of you barring etc will move them on tighter (or move althogether), saves you starting to dig and getting to say 18", only for ypur quarry to move say a foot or two and you having to strart a fresh hole. Not saying it always happens, but have had i happen before.




    A helpfull aid so you know your digging behind the dog rather than on top of the action

  6. They had dug with the dog and he is in a bad state. He couldnt open his eyes for a couple of days and his face is pure infection. he will be ok though. I have a good nursing team in his home up the country. Lads i am not going to go naming people on an open international forum. I still live near the scum at the end of the day. Those that know me will know. Those that want/need to know will find out,

    Exactly, word isn't long spreading rather than having to do it on here. glad to hear your dogs are in good hands. Atb sham

  7. Digging partners loosing it ?

    many years ago a lads dog was working away getting the run about. Another lad with us took into his head it was a fox and it was on the move ready to bolt. mustn't have seen the signs or been in the game long to know the difference. Ordered the lad to jump down with a lurcher incase of a bolt when the lad refused to do so HE CRACKED. Grabbed a BIG thick branch and beat him down the bank with it. Only to be proved wrong. Beat that.

    (PRICK)Nobody needs a prick like that about them.Hope you done the right thing and f****d him off

    Hes no longer in the game. I see him regular walking his greyhounds. I always give him a beep beep and when he looks around, a big smile.

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  8. Digging partners loosing it ?

    many years ago a lads dog was working away getting the run about. Another lad with us took into his head it was a fox and it was on the move ready to bolt. mustn't have seen the signs or been in the game long to know the difference. Ordered the lad to jump down with a lurcher incase of a bolt when the lad refused to do so HE CRACKED. Grabbed a BIG thick branch and beat him down the bank with it. Only to be proved wrong. Beat that.

  9. It was a good day mudd......just to let people know "its a dis-used railway line",lol! So there were no civilians passing by on the dublin enterprise wondering what are them five chaps doing there,lol!

    Also, Railway lines are dangerous kids, it would be very irresponsible to play on railway lines!!!!

    Good point fella. Yes kids stay off the tracks and keep to the green fields. Leave the the tricky places to the big boys

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