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paul sr

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Posts posted by paul sr

  1. On 28/05/2024 at 15:18, DIDO.1 said:

    Anyone see this cnut just landed on the south coast 😳


    You should see the documentary about the African space program .

  2. On 06/05/2024 at 16:45, Bakerboy said:

    Good anti immigration protest in Dublin today and unlike the uk the protesters are not being treated like far right nutjobs for standing up for their country, long may it continue

    The protesters in Ireland are constantly being called , far right , racist,head bangers, knuclke-dagger, etc,etc.     Because there is a large number of women, children and older people at these protests ,the far right label does not stick .

    • Like 3
  3. On 30/04/2024 at 11:37, Francie, said:

    Yep shes nominated but hopefully doesnt get in

    Apparently the African mayor of Derry, was a member of the BLM  mob .

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  4. " To achieve world government , it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, there individualism, loyalty to the family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas." - Brock Chisholm ( 1st director general of the world health organization. 1948-1953 . 

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  5. 8 hours ago, dogmandont said:



    5 hours ago, Francie, said:

    This is in newtonmountkenedy were the gards an ruc also were brought in to baton the heads of the protestors the other night,water cannon also.

    The psni/ruc now in the ranks of the gards,totally unacceptable,but its 100% proven already


    These working class people are being labelled as Far Right ,by the government and media .

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  6. 1 hour ago, WILF said:

    Yasser Arafat also kept some poor old British Christian Church of England envoy chained to a radiator for 10 years for no reason what so ever so I reckon Yasser Arafat and what he said can go f**k itself don’t you ? Lol 

    You continue to ignore the fact that Israel helped create Hamas . Are you aware that three of the seven  international aid workers killed by Israel,were British and one of them was former sbs .

  7. 8 minutes ago, WILF said:

    Then the adults responsible for them should make better choices before they decide to go off slaughtering a couple of thousand innocent men, women and children of the better armed and less afraid country next door shouldn’t they mate…….if they thought Israel was going to try and put up a fight with one hand tied behind their back like us daft c**ts in the west then they made a big mistake. 

    Id saying going out to buy flip flops at the shopping mall and getting stabbed by a lunatic is a fair bit different to electing people because you want them to pick a war with someone who will rinse you……fact is, it’s not even in the same f***ing ball park in reality is it. 

    As Yasser arafat said  Hamas was a " creature of Israel " .

  8. 46 minutes ago, Qbgrey said:

    The older discos are good I always heard, but more reliable than the disco 3,  4. I’m looking at a dog/shoot/knock about  motor. Hilux too £££ and last new one I had was rubbish. Like the old patrols, Land Cruiser but then I’m wondering about a 110 defender crew cab as they will never drop in value. The l200 are nice but will drop in value like most other motors 

    The old land cruiser give no trouble they will go until the chassis falls apart .

  9. 1 hour ago, Francie, said:

    Not all,but most of them are bitter c**ts lol

    The people responsible for flooding this island with immigrants from the third world are the real enemy , not unionists . 

    • Like 7
  10. 2 hours ago, littlefish said:

    Noble ideas......but......these days, in these areas, it is less about political idealism and more about making money from drugs.

    Any one dealing drugs in any community is the enemy of that community .

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  11. 4 hours ago, Francie, said:

    Aye was born in the bog side,then moved away,I dont trust him.

    I don't know any thing about him , but the party has a lot of common sense policies . It is an alternative to the government and the  fake  opposition .

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  12. 2 hours ago, keepdiggin said:

    say what you like about the French 

    I would like to think there is a special place in hell , for politicians that send young men of to fight in foreign wars .

    • Like 4
  13. 17 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

    Wilfy, I completely agree ! Apart from where you say £8 million a day, it’s just been revealed it’s £15 million a day !

    I would turn them back mid channel, if they sink, it was their choice to try it ! 
    I would stop ALL overseas aid, I would f**k off the ECHR and anyone who made it to our shores would be sent to an African hell hole.

    Any foreign criminal would be deported immediately.

    Any immigrant legally getting here would get no benefits until they had worked and paid into the system for ten years , and if committing any crime, they and there dependents would be deported.

    Any one convicted of treason , insurrection or a crime deserving a life sentence would get a capital sentence!

    Would this happen in my life time ? No, of course not. 
    What will happen is we will reach tipping point and then there will be fight back and civil rebellion or we will roll over and be taken over …..


    Turn them back mid channel ? . You have the best trained marines in the world ,they could have being turned back mid channel years ago . Mass immigration in to europe and north america is planned. 

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  14. 1 hour ago, WILF said:

    I think we have places worth living and places worth exploiting.

    The U.K. has set itself up to be exploited and not many are better at it……if you are lucky enough to able to live in a decent place and earn your money exploiting another place then that’s great.

    U.K. money (and no doubt dollars) go a long way in places that may not be as rich or have as many bells & whistles as the U.K. and America but are blinding places to actually live.

    The reason people are on the borders on America and the U.K. is money !…..plain and simple !

    Money and living are two completely different things. 

    95% of people living in Europe and the US are on the debt slave treadmill , from when they start working until they die . 

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  15. 14 minutes ago, Greyman said:

    It would have ended ages ago but the globalists

    won’t allow it to just peter out mate also jmo 

    If people saw all the back room deals between the bankers,corporations,political class, and intelligence services to manufacture conflicts , no body would fight in any of these wars.

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  16. On 23/02/2024 at 18:37, dogmandont said:

    I'd say there's been plenty over the years that went for a swim with concrete boots on as well. 

    I suspect there has being a lot more bodies fished out of the Hudson . 

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