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Posts posted by AndrewEdwardDennis

  1. Hi all biggrin.gif , it's been a while since I've been on :cry: as some of you are aware , hope use haven't missed me to much :whistling: .


    Any how been doing a bit of reading :icon_redface: and came across this in a truly interesting book :yes: ,generally I agree, but what's your thoughts or opinions? :hmm:


    Truly have a read at it, it made me think !!!!! :hmm:


    The work of a terrier is,or was,the destruction of vermin-rats,weasels,stoats,hedgehogs,foxes,otters and of course badgers - and the word terrier originally implied a small dog used for this purpose.

    With the coming of dog shows owners were provided with another object for which such dogs might be bred and used - the winning of prizes to be awarded for make and shape and general appearance - and at the present time far more terriers are bred for show than for work. There are in the British Isles many distinct breeds most,if all,of which originated in working strains. It is difficult to believe that an Airedale or a Kerry Blue of the size of modern representatives of those breeds could have been used to bolt fox, but the Skye, the Scottish or Aberdeen, the Dandie Dinmont, the Border, the York-shire, the Bedlington, the Irish, the Welsh the Wire and Smooth Fox-terriers, the Sealyham and others are undoubtedly the descendants of hard-bitten little dogs employed in the keeping down of vermin.

    There are those who believe that the annual hound show held at Peterborough has done infinite harm to the foxhound, in that it has caused masters of hounds to breed for looks rather than work. While not necessarily supporting that view, I think none will deny that there must be temptation to use a stallion hound one which has taken a coveted first at Peterborough, even if his capabilities in the field are only mediocre,rather than the hound which though he can drag up to and unkennel his fox when no other hound in the pack can own the line, and moreover is a tireless worker with a beautiful voice, yet lacks certain of those points of conformation which the show-bench requires.The rule that no hound may be exhibited unless it belongs to a recognised pack, and the natural desire of all masters of the hounds to show sport and kill foxes,ensures that the working capabilities of the hounds selected for breeding are not entirely lost sight of, but the same cannot be said of terriers for show use there dogs for work, in fact not many have the opportunity, consequently the present-day studbook terrier is, generally speaking, a dog which even with careful training will not make a first class working terrier. This remark applies more particularly to those breeds which have been bred for show for Generations.

    It must be borne in mind that the fact that the terrier will kill a rat does not entitle it to be classed as a "working terrier"; this term usually applied to one which has been entered to fox otter or badger. A terrier may be "of a working stain" but it is not, strictly speaking, a "working terrier" until it has been to ground and faced fox, otter or badger in the dark, and it is not a really good working terrier until it can and will do very much more than that. A dog which has earned the title may be a likened to a man in the days of our forefathers who won his spurs on the field of battle ; it is an honour not to be inherited but to be fought for.

    agreed whole heartedly

  2. The Extremes of Hunting With Terriers


    The events in this article happened before the ban was implimented..........


    I hunt with terriers..........Sending a single terrier to ground to locate its quarry & stay with it until its dug to...........As with all forms of working dogs there are risks involved & moments that make the owner & worker of these courageuos animals question whether it is all worth it ...... on the flip side there are moments where you could literally shout out loud of how proud & happy you are with a dog that has exceeded your expectations or simply carried out its task yet again with no question or no fuss................Last season I experienced both ends of the spectrum with my fortunes peaking & troughing a few times in the space of a few months..............


    My eventful season started with the loss of my red lakeland dog , The circumstances actually took place at the end of the previous season but it set the tone for the year none the less......I was at work when I recieved a call from my wife............"There is something wrong with the red 'un"........... I'm sure ALL terrier lads have had this kind of experience to a lesser or greater degree & its the cold , gut turning feeling as you hear the words........A quick journey home with a horrible sense of foreboding is'nt a nice journey to make & my worst fears were realised when I came upon "red" ........... It looked like some kind of stroke & he was hanging on but still fitting ...... I dont give a shite how "hard" you think you are but when you find a true worker who has never let you down in this state it knocks you about a bit.........He had recently been dug to but had nothing serious injury wise & it was the not knowing that hurt........due to the nature of reds old war wounds a trip to the vets in todays day & age was'nt an option so I had to put him down.............I'm not afraid to admit I was choked as well as annoyed at myself....Did I not notice something........was it my fault........??????............Over the following weeks I got used to not having the old fella about & on the plus side we had other experienced dogs & young un's to come on...........It was a case of "Lets see what the new season brings".......... Little did I know of the turbulance to come.........!!!!!





    The new season came upon us with the joys of good days & good honest working terriers...........In the words of a certain J Darcy we were "digging deep & throwing earth well back" & generally thinks were ok........The morning came for us to try a new bit of permission , I had already had a walk & found some potential holding earths so we were ready to roll..........I was proved right at the first earth we came to & without much fuss we had dug & dispatched our first quarry using my digging partners good young bitch.........We had the remaining old man of our team with us & since it was early we decided , after some uming & ahing , to find him some work..........Looking back it was the wrong thing to do........we had already had a good few hours & could have left it till the week after but we had the "bug" & decided to carry on......The farmer had warned me about a "big" place but being full of confidence & having a top class terrier with us we entered the old fella into the forementioned earth , the banter was still flowing as the first drops of rain began to fall but we hardly noticed ......... It was that type of day up to now........."There he goes" as we heard his faint baying & we relaxed as we let him settle........The first "funny" feelings kicked in when his voice became faint & then non-exsistent.......A re check on the box gave us 12ft deeper into the earth before it disappeared totally.........Its strange but it was at this time I became really aware of the rain , It seemed to mirror our spirits becoming heavier as the sky got darker , Have you been their lads......????.........Spades & graft ready but with no idea where to make your mark in the ground.........I think helpless probably sums it up best...........We agreed to start digging at the last mark & over the afternoon removed most of the bank in which we had last heard him..........The rain was still pouring as the night began to creep into day & frustration & niggles between us started to appear..........A visit to the farm for a light & batteries came & went & the sound of frantic spade & graft sounds echoed through the dark woods.........We were 3 hrs from home , we were soaked , dispirited , upset & frustrated........We had run out of light & batteries & to be honest energy so we made the difficult desicion to leave it unti the next day.........In short we went back & forth for a week but never saw the dog again.........Over the next few weeks the three of us questioned the terrier game as well as ourselves........Why did we put him in......???.......Should we have stayed on the earth.......???.......Were we sure we searched enough with the locator.........????............The questions gnawed at me (still do) and it was the not knowing that was the killer...........A superb working terrier who imo deserved more than that..........rip ***** good hunting where you have gone...........


    "Nigger" - A brilliant lump of a terrier




    The loss of the old fella prompted me to advertise for another worker & a phone call led me to collect a young bitch from a long way away..............After a horrible drive I got to the house & in came the bitch from the kennels.........Hindsight would lead me to believe in Books & covers but at the time I was dissapointed........being small , snipey & a bit nippy toward the other dogs resulted in a piss take fulled journey home..........With the incident where we lost the old fella in my mind we came around to taking out............The lad had warned me that dispite being spot on she had a liking for rabbits & after trying a few earths when she shot in a crappy unused looking place & began baying I silently groaned thinking she was rabbiting.........To cut a long story short we got through to her fastened to her quarry 3 hrs later...........It was her first dig with me & dispite not having anything to do with her breeding or training the pride I felt was amazing.........Just one dig had told me more than could a million words & it was obvious she had it..........as simple as that..........sometimes you just know & future outings were prove me right.......Walking from that earth with the spades on the shoulder & the bitch on her couples made me realise all the doubts I had since my last bad outing were just that.....merely doubts........Looking out over unbelieveable scenery , making your way back to truck with muddied clothes & tired but happy companions & terriers whilst having the craic...........Really fellas is there anything better...........????









    Later in the season I lost another really promising dog to ground on his 3rd dig , he suffocated whilst up to his quarry , doing what he was bred to do..........again the rain hammered down on me whilst , alone , I dug to him up in the mountains on a cold wet winters afternoon.......The obvious feelings of why & what if came but it was now tempered with other feelings.........Should we deny sending our dogs into the deep dark "just in case"..???..........Should we deny our terriers their birthright after all the earths of his quarry are the very reason he exisits as a breed.............Dont misinterperate me , Losing a terrier , indeed any dog , Is upsetting , frustrating , but its the way of things & always has been as long as lads have entered thier pride & joy into earths The flip side is the joy at digging to a pup you have brought on from a blind helpless ball of fur to a true working animal............Working terriers is a world of success & failure , of dissapointment & elation..........In my opinion working terriers is a world of extremes & it is that that holds the true fascination for all lads who work these remarkable little companions......................


    Promising Dog lost on 3rd Dig




    This post has been promoted to an article

    really enjoyed reading that mate well done.
  3. I go to where fox lives and open up to him, and i say, hello mr fox how do you do, let me introduce you to my friend, Mr fox this is Mr patterdale, Mr patterdale this is Mr fox



    You also want to make sure you contexualize, you want to let them know how they are related to you , this can also can be open to another conversation, you next wanna make sure you try to look for things they have in common, think about that while you actually inroducing them. You want to make sure they say ow you live in the same den i was dug to last time, things last that that could open another conversation that they can have on their own, when they already talking by themselves , you alreadsy to go you did job and you introduced themselves. now you back fill



    sorry, should of said in the listing, wannabe funny men need not comment.

  4. Sorry to hear bout your bad times Taffy, hope they are behind you.

    Cheers Waz........All my own fault though mate !!!

    Just starting to sort things out . The crazy ex hack sawed the padlocks off my kennels & I lost all the dogs but Molly who is down in west wales , I nearly went down for murder !!!

    Nice to see your hard at it though mate...........If you need a hand after xmas let me know LOL

    murder eh...must of been bad! hope your geting on your feet again mate

  5. Yea i got a springadale great wee grafter !!!! Ha ha. What business off anyone's on here is it what terriers I own ???? Mmmmmm NONE me thinks !!! Too many bellends on here posting this and that while the anti's and police sit and read everything you'd say !!!! I remember a site like this got people into trouble a few years back. History may repeat itself and you'd have no one to blame but yourselves !!!!! C ya later smart fella

    here is a perfect example for the young ones on here......remember kids, smack is bad...............

    It happened before it could happen again very easily, ip addresses ain't to hard to obtain smack or no smack. I'm anti drugs by the way and my age is on my profile.

    Edited to say I never put anyone's dog/dogs down or slagged they're dogs. You have a wild imagination.

    so you didnt put ryans dog down then, hence him retaliating at you? lay off the smack mate your memory might serve you better

    No I didn't put his dog down, I was winding him up because he said he dug 13 or 14 foot so I told him to make his mind up. I don't need to make a name for myself by coming on here and telling you lot all off my business either. That's what's wrong with this forum too much testosterone and lads thinking they're better than the next person, ohh and people that can't take a bit off banter.

    to you it might be, but some people get quite defensive about there dogs, think before you type mate. nothing more to say on the matter. Enjoy ya digging.

    terrier men lol. no wonder the game is like it is .

    funnily enough, what happens on an internet forum doesn't affect my terriers in anyway. There are plenty of decent guys on here who do the job as it should be done, so I'd be interested to know what you consider the game to be like over here in england, not france

  6. Yea i got a springadale great wee grafter !!!! Ha ha. What business off anyone's on here is it what terriers I own ???? Mmmmmm NONE me thinks !!! Too many bellends on here posting this and that while the anti's and police sit and read everything you'd say !!!! I remember a site like this got people into trouble a few years back. History may repeat itself and you'd have no one to blame but yourselves !!!!! C ya later smart fella

    here is a perfect example for the young ones on here......remember kids, smack is bad...............

    It happened before it could happen again very easily, ip addresses ain't to hard to obtain smack or no smack. I'm anti drugs by the way and my age is on my profile.

    Edited to say I never put anyone's dog/dogs down or slagged they're dogs. You have a wild imagination.

    so you didnt put ryans dog down then, hence him retaliating at you? lay off the smack mate your memory might serve you better

    No I didn't put his dog down, I was winding him up because he said he dug 13 or 14 foot so I told him to make his mind up. I don't need to make a name for myself by coming on here and telling you lot all off my business either. That's what's wrong with this forum too much testosterone and lads thinking they're better than the next person, ohh and people that can't take a bit off banter.

    to you it might be, but some people get quite defensive about there dogs, think before you type mate. nothing more to say on the matter. Enjoy ya digging.

  7. Yea i got a springadale great wee grafter !!!! Ha ha. What business off anyone's on here is it what terriers I own ???? Mmmmmm NONE me thinks !!! Too many bellends on here posting this and that while the anti's and police sit and read everything you'd say !!!! I remember a site like this got people into trouble a few years back. History may repeat itself and you'd have no one to blame but yourselves !!!!! C ya later smart fella

    here is a perfect example for the young ones on here......remember kids, smack is bad...............

    It happened before it could happen again very easily, ip addresses ain't to hard to obtain smack or no smack. I'm anti drugs by the way and my age is on my profile.

    Edited to say I never put anyone's dog/dogs down or slagged they're dogs. You have a wild imagination.


    cant see ote mate... :hmm:

  8. Yea i got a springadale great wee grafter !!!! Ha ha. What business off anyone's on here is it what terriers I own ???? Mmmmmm NONE me thinks !!! Too many bellends on here posting this and that while the anti's and police sit and read everything you'd say !!!! I remember a site like this got people into trouble a few years back. History may repeat itself and you'd have no one to blame but yourselves !!!!! C ya later smart fella

    here is a perfect example for the young ones on here......remember kids, smack is bad...............

    It happened before it could happen again very easily, ip addresses ain't to hard to obtain smack or no smack. I'm anti drugs by the way and my age is on my profile.

    Edited to say I never put anyone's dog/dogs down or slagged they're dogs. You have a wild imagination.

    so you didnt put ryans dog down then, hence him retaliating at you? lay off the smack mate your memory might serve you better

  9. Yea i got a springadale great wee grafter !!!! Ha ha. What business off anyone's on here is it what terriers I own ???? Mmmmmm NONE me thinks !!! Too many bellends on here posting this and that while the anti's and police sit and read everything you'd say !!!! I remember a site like this got people into trouble a few years back. History may repeat itself and you'd have no one to blame but yourselves !!!!! C ya later smart fella

    here is a perfect example for the young ones on here......remember kids, smack is bad...............

    It happened before it could happen again very easily, ip addresses ain't to hard to obtain smack or no smack. I'm anti drugs by the way and my age is on my profile.

    Edited to say I never put anyone's dog/dogs down or slagged they're dogs. You have a wild imagination.

    you're right, very easily, but your going a bit over the border, no one has said anything to land themselves in shit...you're telling people stuff they already know. 40 + eh well you could of fooled me and a rest of all these other "bellends" on here. Tip for you pal, dont slag peoples dogs off, they may not be your taste, but you have no right to say what you said, you dont know shit about that dog...be a bit more friendlier and stop acting like a pri*k then you might make more of a name for yourself, rather then looking like the the forum cun*t that needs a good slap.

  10. Yea i got a springadale great wee grafter !!!! Ha ha. What business off anyone's on here is it what terriers I own ???? Mmmmmm NONE me thinks !!! Too many bellends on here posting this and that while the anti's and police sit and read everything you'd say !!!! I remember a site like this got people into trouble a few years back. History may repeat itself and you'd have no one to blame but yourselves !!!!! C ya later smart fella

    here is a perfect example for the young ones on here......remember kids, smack is bad...............

  11. Yea i got a springadale great wee grafter !!!! Ha ha. What business off anyone's on here is it what terriers I own ???? Mmmmmm NONE me thinks !!! Too many bellends on here posting this and that while the anti's and police sit and read everything you'd say !!!! I remember a site like this got people into trouble a few years back. History may repeat itself and you'd have no one to blame but yourselves !!!!! C ya later smart fella

    How old are you?? you have the mentality of a 5 year old....and as for bellends, I believe it was you that started slandering another lads dogs, so check yourself..nob

    • Like 1
  12. alright mate,got a 3/4 russell 1/4 beaglle all white with brown ears 5 months bitch £100 also thinking of selling very small russell bitch spayed,not bad rabbing will go to ground bolted countlless foxes but wont stay long if wont bolt,no problem to take you out show you work rabbit and fox,31/2 year old £150 must be good home,smart little bitch,onlly reason selling my patts dont get on with them,cheers

    sounds like a cracking dog mate could you PM me a pic of it

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