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About baxter25

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. Evening, anyone got any suggestions for a top notch mount for a HW90? Cheers
  2. Thanks, I take it the 3x9x50 is the size of the scope and the range?
  3. Evening all. Im picking up my first gun on saturday which is a HW90 and I was looking for some scope and fixing suggestions. Looking to spend circa £100 and will be mainly shooting targets. Cheers
  4. Evening all, Im buying a hw90 gas ram tomorrow and was wondering what pellets are best suited? Any scope recomendations would also be appreciated. Cheers
  5. One last thing, do i need to pump air into the gas cylinder? I have seen pumps advertised on some websites.
  6. Sorry one more thing..... any scope recomendations? my user name should have been columbo!
  7. Thanks for the advice and warm welcome guys. i havnt seen a bad review yet so ill e buying one on saturday, thinking of spending a bit more and going for the carbine. I am tempted by the custom stock too, my first thoughts were that the standard stock was a bit plain. Cheers
  8. Nice one, Thats what ill get then. On another note I have seen on some sites that you can get self loading rifles. Are these availble as gas rams and how do they work, do you still need to cock them before every shot? Cheers
  9. Hi, Im new to the site and and new to shooting but have been bitten by the bug! After trying a few types of gun I have decided to start with a gas ram. Can anyone advise which is the best and also a decent scope. Thanks
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