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Posts posted by theobob47

  1. 22 hours ago, Sausagedog said:

    Had a quick web search, found nothing.

    The frustrating thing is that somewhere propped up in a corner there will be an A5 slowly rotting!

    All I've got on the web is American sites that won't post to the uk,and without a doubt there's one ,somewhere stood in a corner,soon as I get the bit,they will pop up everywhere ?

    • Like 1
  2. On 23/10/2019 at 19:20, philpot said:

    There is a shop in Halesworth, Suffolk called Richardson's which is a real traditional gunsmith where extensive repairs are done as well as building new guns, a phone call to see if they have the parts would be worthwhile. Good luck with it.


    Thanks for the info I'll look them up ,I wouldn't think it would be hard to make one ,cheers rob

  3. On 23/10/2019 at 18:07, Gav said:

    I'm not no expert, did he not keep the original? Try a few RFD's I'm sure it canny be an expensive fix? I understand its sentimental so swapping it out is probably not an option. Good luck in your quest ?

    I did look but it could of been anywhere,I'll just keep looking ,thanks for the reply

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  4. Ok people,I have a a5 ,12 bore that I have inherited from my late dad,the problem I've got is that he changed the safety from right hand to left hand,I've used the gun a few times and would like to put saftey back to right hand ,but trying to get one is proving to be a pain,is there anybody on here that may have one that they would like to change to left handed saftey,we could do a swap ,or does anyone know of someone who might have parts or breaking one of these guns,I've tried quite a few sites ,but they either haven't got the part or won't ship to the uk ,any help,info would be much appreciated,rob


    OK fellas been thinking about getting my hob snipped what sort of cost would I be looking at,its either that or have my Jill's neutered ,rob


    I think I paid around £110 for the vasectomy, with the option of paying another £70 I think to send the chopped out parts off to make sure it was the right parts FFS, as my hob had small tubes apparently, which I find strange, as he was a over a year old, a fair old size and had monstrous nuts. I declined..


    If you just got the lad done, it would mean only one animal to care for post op, he would still fulfill his duties in and out of his cage and if your jills were any good you could still breed off them.

    cheers for the reply think I'll make some inquires about the snip ,atb rob
  6. Hi there do ferrets have there young all at once or can they be staggered like over a day or more reason I ask is tonight whilst cleaning my ferts i picked up the Jill that's pregers and took her with the others to the kitchen and she felt quite heavy like last night but when I cleaned her cage the nest side opened and there was a kit there looking for its mum ,I put her back right away but didnt chance looking to see if there was more,what do you recon ,rob

  7. She may have been caught when she escaped was the back of her neck marked. ( yes and she had lumps n bumps all over her head from ticks ,something's defiantly had hold of her,she's was very subdued as well but she's getting back to her old self,this is her first season ,love been trying to find a snipped hob down here to put with her sister ,she's still in full swing ,atb rob
  8. OK fellas thanks for the replies turns out my hob has no knackers but since my last post about a week later I went out on a lads do and my missis said she would feed the ferts for me anyhow she didn't put the top on properly and my fichy Jill got out well after a lot of appeals on fb and word of mouth I got her back three weeks later and found five miles away ,after someone's chickens and in a sorry state .the woman took her to a local vets and I picked her up from there,now I have a question for you people when she legged it she was in full season and I've had her back now for a couple of weeks and all the swelling has gone down and she appears to be getting quite a bit heavier what's the chances she preggers ,when we put the word around trying to find her I couldn't believe how many ferts people were finding in our area must have 5 or 6 atb rob

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