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Posts posted by ThomasWalsh

  1. I was supposed to move to london 2 months back but said I would wait till after christmas I will be arriving over in the Plaistow area in 2 weeks and I am trying to find a small basic one bedroom flat but everyone I see seems so be very very expensive? How much should I be expecting to pay? Hopefully somebody can set me straight :thumbs:

  2. Ye that must be the place do you reckon it would be handy enough get a labouring job there? My friend moved over last week he was in a pub sending me pictures of the west ham crest all over the floors of the pub and in another pub called The Bubbles? have we the same place? :D

  3. Seen a big 29 inch 3/4 grey 1/4 EBT work a few weeks ago.. Was no great shapes wanted to fight every dog she saw average on a fox and when run on deer was ran on a big fallow buck had the opportunity to pull it but didnt a better dog would of had it on the ground.. only one example tho Im sure theres better out there :big_boss:

  4. I have tried everything to fix it changed the bulb, pulled out all the wires out of the handle an there all perfect the switch seems a bit stick but the wires into it seem okay? Iv the thing at the end cut off so it goes straight to the battery so its not the fuse in that and i cant see any breaks in the main wire up to the lamp what else can it be its driving me mad!

  5. Best advice i can give you mate is try and get a trade and even if the money is terrible if will pay off in the long run, your only young and the next few yrs will fly by ,some countries you may fancy going too in the future may not accept general labour , a good trade and the worlds your oyster mate good luck whatever you do :thumbs:

    I was working as an apprentice electritian but was left go in the last month alone iI must have applied for over 20 jobs and heard nothing back.. Im getting 100 euro on the dole a week its hard 2 live on that yad be driven mad having no money :wallbash:

  6. Scothunter something In construction labouring anything I wouldnt mind :thumbs:


    And Judge2010 your a right prick I asked a simple question not for stupid comments from fools like you...

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  7. Im seriously considering moving over the water for a year or 2 as theres no work what atal over here where Im living. Im 19 Ive been out of work with a while and theres just nothing here.. Where would be the best place to move to and would I get work easy enough?

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