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About ash3712

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 17/07/1984

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  1. still nothing people she is still missing and they keep moving her about so hard to find now
  2. there is pics up there on the first post
  3. i know mate the dogs in essex on a travelers site and now they kno i kno were she is it wont be there for long
  4. these people are scum of the eart. jelousy is all it is u have something good and they want it but i will get her back if it kills me. they come in to my house with my mrs and 5 month old baby in there so they are gonna have to pay for that
  5. yer if u follow the posts u will see the owners of the peugeot have been found and there not involved but did see what happened ie the the silver hatchback and the van is still involved seen at the scene. i know who the people are that have the dog just gotta find it.
  6. bump it up again i cant let this drop these people cant get away with this
  7. lets bump this to the top again i want every living sole to know about this
  8. i am on it mate cheers will keep u posted thanks
  9. na not yet mate but some one has come forward saying they seen 3 fella jump in a silver hatchback with a dog
  10. na its not his mate i phoned him straight away and the dog that was found is in cambridge
  11. Yer that was me few months ago I had to sell her as moving but managed to find a house I could take her as not many landlords accept dogs coz I rent private
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