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Posts posted by atomo

  1. hello lads , ive been thinking about getting a dog but im unsure on what yet . i want it to be an all round dog ie lamping ferreting etc i was thinking collie greyhound but i wanted to get your opinions on it as ive only ever realy done ferreting i have kept dogs but they were spaniels and i have been lamping with freinds but never with a dog of my own. so what dog do youse think it will be mainly used for ferret just so you know

  2. All you can do it make sure the hutch or court is located in deep shade in the hot weather. Don't put boards up as they will stop the flow of air. If you absolutely cannot put the hutch in the shade then cover with white sheets on top (white reflects heat from the sun's rays), then put a couple of sticks across the roof so they stick out over the front of the hutch and hang another white sheet over the front: make sure there's at least 6 inches of air space between the sheet and the front of the hutch, and hold down with stones on the roof. Make sure that air can circulate around the sheet and into the hutch, and keep the sheets sprayed down with cold water.


    Also, make sure the nest box is wide open: if there's only a tiny hole into the next box and there is also a door at the front of the box, prop the door open and put some mesh in the opening. You can also put coke bottles filled with iced water into the hutch: not in the nest box, so the ferrets have the option of lying close up against the bottles if they get too hot.

    thanks for that i think ill use a couple of them

  3. Heat is a killer if not spotted quick ,

    i tried to stop it i had boards up shading the hutch and soaking it in cold water ever time i was in the back garden which was alot because it was a nice day

  4. sorry to hear that mate.


    just for future reference, and I know it's a good half hour away from you, but Wrexham Veterinary Care has a 24 hour service, I've used it in the early hours a couple of times and they're always there, and the rate is no dearer than the normal rate for a vet, bit of a treck but if you don't have any other option it's worth noting.


    bad news about your fert though, any idea what happened?

    it looked like a fit and was gasping for breath i got it to breath normal again and relax then it started agen only this time i couldnt help it it looked like a fit or heat stroke to me but im not a expert and wouldnt no were to start with helping it

  5. Sorry to here about the ferret mate. But if i had a vet like that i will be looking for a new

    hes usualy good but tbh i didnt think of phoneing another vet surgery i just rung the one and tried to make the little fella as comfortable as possible :doh:

    its sickened me a little bit tbh ive had ferrets for years and bred them etc this is the first on that has died on me ino im surposed to be used to all of this with doing rabbiting and that but when of you stock dies it knock you backwards a little bit and you start think what youve done wrong

  6. it went to answering machine which give me the emergency number i rung that and the woman said there was no vets on till tomorrow :S as the vet was off so the surgery was closed ,tbh though by the time id have got it there it would have been died because it died pretty fast so theres not much they could of done if i had got it to them

  7. sadly died a few seconds ago . unfortunaly looking in a lot of pain unlike before when it just looked like it had a stroke couldnt do nothing to make the death more swift and painless as it was over pretty fast

  8. ive rung the vet and no answer so cant get him to a vet until tomorrow because i think there closed

    went out to the nest box to find one of the biggest hobs in the litter like kind of fitting but not fitting ive took him out and he cant use his back legs and seems to be breathing very heavy i have been keeping them cool by putting boards up to keep them cool etc and have now took him out of the nest box and is in a tub in my room it is 6/7 weeks old and seems to be fading fast

    anyone know what to do that would comfort him or make him less in pain till tomorrow thanks ?

  9. lads i phoned the vets asking about a vasectomy for the hob i asked weather it had to be done will the jills are in season because his balls a more prominant as ive been told this is the onky time to do it ? she said no we can do it whenever but im sure it has to be done will his balls are prominant can any of youse help me on this ?


  10. hello lads im just looking to see what is a good gun to begin with as im looking on getting one ,id like to be shooting squirels rabbits etc but i dont know what gun also i dont want to spend to much on it either as ive never realy shot before i have been out with people shooting a few times and liked it but i dont want y first gun to be to expensive as im not that experienced and would like to learn how

    thanks atomo

  11. Ino colour doesnt matter in ferrets when i comes to working , but i am intrested in what colour you best worker was as mine is a polecat jill can never knock her ,if nothing is home she refuses to go down ( weve tested alot of times ) and if they are home but just ont budge she will find them but never kill ,so what colour is your best work ? and why are they your best worker ?

    atomo :thumbs:


    You say "if they [rabbits] are home but just won't budge she will find them but never kill them".:o


    So what does she do sit gaurding the rabbit untill you dig down to her.:hmm:

    No she scratches at them while shes down and then hangs around for a while until she comes out with fur on her claws by then we no there down but not budging :boogie:



    If your ferret was a lurcher it would be known as a jacker.:whistling: Basically what your saying is when the going gets tough she can't hack it and comes back out yet you say she is your best worker.:o


    but she not a lurcher mate so she not a jacker , she does that job i want her to do, my big poley hob if i wanted them killed goes down atfer her if i just wanted it to kill all the time it would get annoying because the permission we have has got deep warrens like 8 to i think the deepest is 12 ft so i dont feel like digging so she is a good worker for me and my needs were i ferret but i do have other ferrets that work different so cover all needs

  12. Ino colour doesnt matter in ferrets when i comes to working , but i am intrested in what colour you best worker was as mine is a polecat jill can never knock her ,if nothing is home she refuses to go down ( weve tested alot of times ) and if they are home but just ont budge she will find them but never kill ,so what colour is your best work ? and why are they your best worker ?

    atomo :thumbs:


    You say "if they [rabbits] are home but just won't budge she will find them but never kill them".:o


    So what does she do sit gaurding the rabbit untill you dig down to her.:hmm:

    No she scratches at them while shes down and then hangs around for a while until she comes out with fur on her claws by then we no there down but not budging :boogie:


    If she was a stayer then you could have had a few rabbits in a stop end there if you'd dug to it, I had 8 in a stop a couple of years back. Each to their own though :thumbs:

    rather have a ferret that stayed with the rabbit till i got to it and dug them out.

    i have other ferrets that if i sent them down there they would stay but i didnt feel like a eight foot dig tbh so yeno but if i wanted to dig i would have got the big fella out :tongue2:

  13. Ino colour doesnt matter in ferrets when i comes to working , but i am intrested in what colour you best worker was as mine is a polecat jill can never knock her ,if nothing is home she refuses to go down ( weve tested alot of times ) and if they are home but just ont budge she will find them but never kill ,so what colour is your best work ? and why are they your best worker ?

    atomo :thumbs:


    You say "if they [rabbits] are home but just won't budge she will find them but never kill them".:o


    So what does she do sit gaurding the rabbit untill you dig down to her.:hmm:

    No she scratches at them while shes down and then hangs around for a while until she comes out with fur on her claws by then we no there down but not budging :boogie:

  14. Ino colour doesnt matter in ferrets when i comes to working , but i am intrested in what colour you best worker was as mine is a polecat jill can never knock her ,if nothing is home she refuses to go down ( weve tested alot of times ) and if they are home but just ont budge she will find them but never kill ,so what colour is your best work ? and why are they your best worker ?

    atomo :thumbs:

  15. Adam, you put a thread up asking for advice and unless I missed the post where you've been advised to let your dog loose amongst sheep and hope for the best, you've pretty much ignored everyone and done the worst thing you could have done. The mere fact you think the dogs sound now speaks volumes. No point in advising you cos you won't listen and as sure as night follows day, that dog will kill again and be sold to some poor shmuck.


    As for all the 'advisers' how many of you have had a dog that's killed a sheep nevermind managed to cure it? It's easy to type syntax on a computer when your not responsible for the outcome. I had a young dog recently do it, not once but 3 times. The dog is now in a shallow grave and quite rightly so. With hindsight I should have done it after the first but life ain't that easy. Main dog picking up a serious injury catapulted the young dog as provider. A lot of white hares about and deer doesn't help. Teaching the basics midseason and at a critical time in a dogs progression is easy to say but harder to implement. I've never experienced it before with a dog always preferring prevention rather than a cure. If I experience it again I won't be giving it 3 chances that's for sure. Lucky for me the farmer is an old friend but this is peoples livlihoods we are talking about. I'm not saying that it's impossible but up here it's hard to go anywhere without sheep etc and if you can't fully trust the dog, where is the fun in that?


    spot on mate :thumbs:


    ino mate thats what i think but ive just been told that they tend to change once there on deer but by all means every working dog should be stock broke

  17. just read the rest f the post and no way is that dog not intrested in taking sheep after takeing one ,take a step back mate look at what your dog is thinking dogs dont just stop behaving a certain way until you change them you need to sort this dog out and stop pulling the wool over your eyes , sort it youve got a second chace as its still only a pup and can be change do not let this pass by otherwise it will just be another shit dog that the owner didnt want to put time in to correct it :thumbdown:

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