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Posts posted by robsharpe

  1. we have had our birds for the last few years from here ex layers around 1000 they were fine in previous years but this years are a heap of shite bear backs poor condition one even had its leg snapped which did happen from there end ,yes i know there ex layers , anyone had theres from them this year , we certainley wont be handing over 5grand to them next year , the guy was no help what so ever , as said anyone had them this year

  2. messers all of them except woodga of course :tongue2: ,i that shed does need a clean ,good to see ya TP if only for a short while i had to save up tho for two years to buy you them books i came with ten left with one a good swap me thinks ,am pleased you had a good time ,colin is always the hostest with the mostest :yes: , til next time


    forgot to say china put on alert for the next time you up to increase tea production for your next visit lol

  3. evening all yes am still here , been busy with two spaniels taking up all my time and doing me head in why did i buy two , am still shooting and have now joined the full bore brigade and have A remy 700 in .243 varmint . had a really good time recently practicing me snaring on some tricky ground , thanks for the interest friends :notworthy: , all the best the stella meister , thanks again rob

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