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S.Cheshire Ferret Rescue

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About S.Cheshire Ferret Rescue

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  1. Hi kay, what im trying to get at is when you get a vasectomy on your hob maybe this is just my vets i dont know but i have to sign a disclaimer before they will operate stating that i understand that the vas deferens or tubes may in the future reform resulting in the hob becoming fertile again. as for what i said aboutpeople using this as an excuse i personally know a few people that have been scared to admit that theyve bred thier ferrets so blame it on the vas hob
  2. I wasnt directing it at you, why so defensive i wonder? And in my opinion its true 5oper cent of the time. im not judging you either Mate.
  3. I was saying in my opinion its the most natural way without the babies. and i know that vasectomies can reverse after a while,though ive never had one happen not in 24yrs. I reckon people use the 'oh my vas hob hasnt worked my jill is pregnant' card far too much,i mean its just an excuse to explain that you havent realy bred your ferrets on purpose :glare:
  4. Ferrets are photoperiodic,which means their breeding cycle changes due to the amount of daylight,now days are getting shorter the jills will stop coming in to season and the hobs will become less sexually active and thier testicles will retract back into thier body.Now some people keep thier ferrets indoors under artificial lights that are on until the owners turn them off at night,this basically cocks the cycle up and jills are coming into season during the winter months. IMO the most natural way to keep a hob and an entire jilltogether is to have your hob vasectomised, that way when your
  5. they just look like hybrids,as ive said before dont think anyone has a pure eu And why would you think that? the photos are of e.u.polecat kits at 5 and 6 wks old. and i think you meant that polecat hybrids look like that not the other way round,after all the polecat came first!
  6. Well when i have had them in to rear they are very noticeably different to the average ferret,they hide,scream,spit and sometimes fly at you with teeth showing,i dont believe in keeping them in cages theyre just not meant to be kept.
  7. Hi there it is highly unlikely that the mum to the kits will have them back as youre scent will be over them, if you go and put em back youl just be providing the local wildlife with a little snack! I have hand reared stoats and e.u polecats before now and when theyve got old enough they are dehumanised and rehabilitated back into the wild. I would be happy to take them if you would like the photo is of polecat kits with a jill ferret as a surrogate mum
  8. Hi, my name is Julie and i and my husband Billy run South Cheshire Ferret Rescue. We take in and rehome ferrets from all over the north west/westwales,the majority coming from the RSPCA as we have been approved by them as a rspca boarding and rehoming facility. We also take in ferrets from members of the public. We are proud that we have found good homes for 144 Rspca adult ferrets since August 08, and 108 Member of public adult ferrets since May 09,and before tthat we never tended to keep count!!!! I have recognised a few names on this forum and il look forward to talking to o
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