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d and l 3

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Status Replies posted by d and l 3

  1. 3 more weeks and il av my new pup cant wait

  2. looks like no fecker is going anywhere with a lamp in england tonight

  3. Everything`s looking promising for tonite people, batterys charged, winds blowing a gale dog a rearing to go so bring on the dark, hahahahahaha

    1. d and l 3

      d and l 3

      its forecast to get even worse the wind mate should be a good night :) wat time we going mate

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. women- "your dog is dangerous and should be on a lead, you can pay my vets bill" Me- "your trespassing and should be on a footpath, pay for your own stitching" . . . end of conversation. Silly cow.

  5. women- "your dog is dangerous and should be on a lead, you can pay my vets bill" Me- "your trespassing and should be on a footpath, pay for your own stitching" . . . end of conversation. Silly cow.

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