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About Aggro

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 20/12/1988

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  1. Anyone suggest a rifle for hunting small quarry (rabbits etc)? Much appreciated
  2. lol cheeky! I'm only looking for a few to start with and practice on, gonna see if I can get a hold of a local pest controller and sweet talk him
  3. seems a shame to waste them, seen a fox in my garden and thought what a lovely throw or hat he'd make lol! I'll check Ebay and if anyone is willing to donate/sell the skins PM me I can tan them if need be edited: spelling
  4. I was wondering i it was possible to buy any furs (rabbit, squirrel, fox) direct from someone who has killed the quarry themselves? I would like to make my own gloves, throws for myself
  5. Im in Airdrie and the butchers about here are hopeless! I have an alaskan malamute who is on the BARF diet and I love game meat myself, so basically im looking for somewhere i can get rabbit, venison etc for me and the pooch Anyone help?
  6. Aggro


    the kc arent all bad mate, and ive shown dogs for years I have alaskan malamutes who i show, work in harness racing and do wieght pulling comps. Ive put my bitch against a 100 pound american bulldog and my girl has always beat them down flat when it comes to working
  7. well, what cani say lol?I live in Airdrie and tbh i havent hunted before although its something im interested in and looking for any advice and a place to start, so look forward to speaking to you all im probably being idealistic but i love the thought of catching my own dinner and working alongside dogs, well gotta start somewhere
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