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saluki bulls

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Posts posted by saluki bulls

  1. Happened to me about 2 month ago in sunderland b*****ds. I could of started up again but they will be back. Av sold everything Shed,nets,locators,spades. Av been ferreting for 15yr and it really sickened me that I have had to give it all up through scumbags.

  2. The coppers turned up 2 days later. Said its highly unlikely I will get any of my ferrets or other stuff back. Complete waste of time,a wasn't goin to get them involved as I know they waste of time but my partner phoned them on night it happened also they have been to 3 other houses for statements as they got there sheds broke into same night. They left garden tools drills etc etc that was in ther sheds just took my stuff. I will deal with it my own way.. might not be anytime soon BUT I will see my day with them... Can't hide things forever.. And when I do stumble across them using my stuff then God help them. Absolute sickener it has made me want to quit what I love doin. Absolute c**ts

  3. I will have some kits soon, youre also welcome to a few, im sure i can knock you up some spun poly nets for you too if required. Dont give up the game due to c*nts like them!

    Thank you for the offer mate it's just sickened me what has happened. a just want to smash the little fukers up.......

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  4. My partner said she was at local shops last night ther was a group of young lads she went over and said what had happened and there was a reward for my stuff back... She said when she was explaining everything 2 of them never lifted there heads up basically couldn't look her in the face then when she said the lads names who are well known of around here that they are going to find out and sort out who stole my stuff,she said they then looked up at her with a shit scared face as though they thought ahhhh fuk. My lass said these two young lads defo know something by there reactions. So off out tonight in the car with my lass and let's see what happens ?

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  5. Cheers for all the support lads. I will find out who done it. Maybe tomorrow maybe a year down the line but I will find out and God help them when I do. Everybody is on the look out for my ferrets and stuff that was stolen. My neighbour found some money 13quid and a cannabis grinder in hes garden where they have come over he's fence and fell through bushes.. Police have got them and recon can get finger prints but fuk all will come back from it.....

  6. Vin cheers for the offer mate but this has broke me down too much. Brand new Sheds getting pulled down and selling all my stuff. Just spoke to a neighbour there was 4 sheds done last night on same street and nothing taken from them just burst locks off them. But they wiped me out fukn scum bags. A just want to brake there arms n legs....

  7. Well the offer is still there mate, if you decide other wise and I might have some spare nets to,

    c**ts honestly, iv read on hear for the last year and a half of people's ferrets being took, it's wrong!

    Cheers mate but av had enough of it. I was always on edge when I had my running dogs incase someone stole them. Why don't these c**ts go out and buy a pup bring it on go get kits for FREE and bring them on instead of taking another mans pride and joy. My sheds getting pulled down and my locators/collars and other bits getting sold.. Av just had enough now

  8. Yeah your right lads country's fuked. And Johnny a recon guy int pub is correct mate. Someone been watching them from a bedroom window playing in my garden Saturday and Sunday then come back Sunday night for them. If it was a smack head looking for garden tools for a fix he wouldn't take a cupple of ferrets and fox brushes etc etc.... c**ts knew what they wanted

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  9. Also phoned the police said my shed been broke into blah blah blah. Turned round and said can't come out till Wednesday ffs. I know it's only a Cupple of ferrets but fuk me you go out with a lamp and lurcher for cupple rabbits you get swamped by police cars,jeeps,helicopters. Yet you have some low life on your property taking stuff that doesn't belong to them and they don't give two fuks. No wonder am such a angry c**t these days...

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  10. They took my polecat hob which I have had 6yr and my polecat Jill which is 2yr old. My carry box which moxy made me,spun poly nets that I had hanging up in shed. Squirrel tails that were hanging up. Fox brushes that I have had for years of when I had my 2 bullx's which are now dead!!!!! and they brought back the memories everytime I went down shed and they wer hanging up on the wall... Used to always look at them and remember good times with my dogs. Am goin to stamp all over them when I catch up with the c**ts

  11. James ed cheers for the offer mate but I won't be getting anymore now because they will come back and get them aswell. I will find out who these c**ts are and God help them when I do... Spoke to my neighbour and she said she heard something about 10oclock last night but thort it was me down the shed as I'm in and out of the shed a lot through day/night. I was only sat in the living room at this time and really wish I would of walked into kitchen and looked out the window. Dirty b*****ds would of got there arms and legs broken. Well that's me out of the ferreting game, I just won't to get hold of these c**ts now...

  12. Cheers lads there's a lot of people onto this so hopefully I hear something soon. I have always kept myself to myself and only go out ferreting with my bro. My garden is enclosed 6ft fence all the way round and have to jump over 4 or 5 gardens to get into mine. I always let the ferrets run about in my garden. The Only way someone could know or see that I have ferrets is by lookin from a bedroom window that over looks my house. Fukn dirty b*****ds....

  13. Why has mayweather been dodging him for years and now wants to go ahead with the fight. Is it because go back 4-5 year pacman in his prime and top of his game would of beat him??? IMHO maywether wants this fight now because pacman not fighting and knocking people out now like he was back then....... Not taking anything away from floyd as he is a class act and makes good fighters look poor,why not fight pacman back then when he was at top of hes game??? He has hung on and hung on for years till he decides to take the fight when he thinks manny has passed he's best and not like he was back then.... Ano this is abit long winded but fuk me this fight should of happened years ago.... If they got this fight on years ago I would of found it hard to pick a winner but now I say floyd has the upper hand AND he knows it.. That's why he wants it now.....

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