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Posts posted by jdconstruction

  1. I was in the vets last week getting the dog its booster jab and enquired about the price of the jills hormone jab. The vet suggested using a cotton bud. the misses face was a picture and stupidly i asked what to use it for. the vet even offered to introduce the jill to the cotton bud for me when she comes into season.

  2. Its crazy how the big firms love to waste money then lay off the lowest paid hard works instead of the fat cats that dont even know the names of their workers. You could have 10 workers for one over paid monkey. Still life goes on


    On a lighter note i have been feeding some feral pigeons that have been a pest in the yard. They love peanuts, mixed seed they have been eatin all of it. So i layed my trap out this afternoon i have 2 days to see if i can get it to work. Going to check and rebait tomorrow lunch time.


    has anyone ever tried eaten feral pigeons? as long as they look healthy?


    will post a picture soon


  3. i have a rat problem in and around my chicken pen. had no signs of the rats all summer but now the weather has changed they have moved back in. i have traps placed on runs around the perimeter and poison stations. not to keen on using my ferret to bolt them dont like to see them dead in a trap let alone running.i was wondering if ferret poop would deter the rats? i am sure i read that rabbits wont enter a tunnel that smells of ferret.


    any thoughts welcome



  4. i am attempting to train a springer and have had the same problem. i used to mouth whistle to her and she was good as gold till we entered any cover. i went to a lessson and was given some good advise.


    1. the mouth whistle can give many diffferent tones so the dog becomes confussed. a 211 1/2 whistle gives the same tone however blown.

    2. go back to basics use a check lead(long lead) give the return call, when he is returning blow the whisle.

    3. then praise for returning

  5. I am planning on making a pigeon trap with a bob wire door. has anyone ever managed to catch woodies? or are they too clever? was planning to use seed and possibly a decoy until i have my first 'call bird'. any tips or ideas would be great.





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