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Posts posted by p3rk87

  1. Cheers mate na what happened when I got him he was just come out of his moult so being a gos he was quite nervous and he was tethered down on his bow perch and baiting every time I was going to pick him up that's the only time I can think he must of done it thanks for the reply

  2. Hi all just purchased my gos bout 3 weeks ago very pleased with him he's coming on very well but recently bumped his wing I wouldn't say he broken it as he is stretching his wings and moving them quite nicely but his left shoulder has dropped a little bit bout 1/4 -1/2 inch if that's make any sense I'm getting him booked in to the vets for the weekend but what I'm Trying to say as any one come across this before and is there any thing I can try to help him thanks

  3. Pse stinger 3G bought bout a month ago brand new quiver with arrows all camo with camo bag and a wrist release 70 pound draw weight over £350 worth , I'm after a bellman and flint terrier box and collar or I would sell

  4. Pse stinger 3G bought bout a month ago brand new quiver with arrows all camo with camo bag and a wrist release 70 pound draw weight over £350 worth , I'm after a bellman and flint terrier box and collar or I would sell

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