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About maryhall

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  1. hey`..am cant bring him indoors as hav reli young brothers..i fink ill try the ticking clock lol
  2. got a 13 week old greyhound saluki bull.pup dog cracking pup but its keepn me up at nyt i hav got it a shed and the dog wont sleep in the shed instead he sleepn on my back door step cryn all nyt any advice plesee
  3. yea will im getn a heinz 57 pup its got saluki grey hound deerhound irish wheten and bull ?????whats ur opinon LOL LOL ARE U BUYING 1 OFF MY PUPS BECAUSE THATS THE BREEDING IN THEM hey i was gettnmine of a guy in west belfast buh ive since seen a grey houne pitbull mix i dono dilemaa lol
  4. yea will im getn a heinz 57 pup its got saluki grey hound deerhound irish wheten and bull ?????whats ur opinon
  5. hey which cross of lurcher is best all rounder....plese give me ur opionions...and which food is best 4 a pup onli 6 weeks old should i give it beef ????
  6. nice pups [bANNED TEXT] what is in them,
  7. everybody over here in belfast seems 2 have a bull cross of some sort y is this iv did my reserch on inet (nerd) and it says the best lurcher cross is str8 half cross between deerhound and greyhound buh ive rarely seen 1? (brawn) lol
  8. yes [bANNED TEXT] ino my friend got a deer hound cross and the dog was completey uselsss..fanx [bANNED TEXT]
  9. hey im a 18 from norther ireland been huntinmgh a while jus nvr had room 4 my own dog now i hav room im thinkin of gettn a pup any partuicular cross which is best i wana take on all sort of game....my friend has a sire greyhound/whetensaluki dam is deerhound bull wheten ? wat do u fink about those pups would dey b useful
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