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Posts posted by cameroncharles

  1. Morning folks,recently purchased a 6/24 sf varmint. I'm hoping it should cover my future needs for moving up to hmr etc. I really has tighten my groups up at 70yds(air rifle) but I did find one problem.

    Having never used more than x12 I was amazed at how hard it was to get me eye relief right. Certainly not used to moving me eye like that. Any tips on high mag eye positions(stock pads any good).

    Thanks for reading this far. Getting ready for 22lr/hmr as paperwork gone off today.

    Thanks for any advice.


  2. Weel,they tried it in brackley last week. Green transit with stickerd tried to snatch dog on lead from her whilst walking in town. Heard from local vets 2 more attempted around middleton cheney/banbury in the last 2 weeks. No reg number yet. Haven't even got the balls to try and target a male. I wonder why?gutless that's what.


  3. If you have a dog let the farmer know you'd like to feed him a rabbit or 2! It will benefit the dog,you and him. Get insurance and take a letter from someone older who knows you. Maybe print off a permission slip with a photo taken from google earth so he can shade the area for you. Always always always txt him beofre you go shooting. So many landowners are let down when a new shooter turns up once and then never touches base again. Best of luck. Cam

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