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Posts posted by Hoolit

  1. WOW this is my first visit to this site for a long time and I never new traps could be so entertaining [brilliant] ive been managing pests and wildlife from fleas to deer  for about 45 years and used various traps and methods along the way and always enjoyed mole traping the most . This year ive bought 20 putange traps from ratpack as yet ive not used them  im still using talpex and flatpack duffus traps .      Without opening a big can o worms again are the putange treps from ratpack inferior in any way.

    thanks in advance Cheers

  2. I have a 2003 L200 it returns 28/ 30 mpg on a long run if you push it over 3000 revs you start to use more fuel drive craefully and its fine . Great of road ive driven ploughed fields a few times deep snow etc no problems ,good load space its a good all round work horse and its comfortable enough . Its now done 146000 miles ,i change the oil every 6000 and grease gun it twice a year so far so good. The only drawback is the turning circle it takes a bit off geting used to but as thats the only negative point it seems to do everything i need.

  3. Thanks guys ive got fixed up with a pup down south .

    I should be picking it up in acouple of weeks not informed the other half yet ,if i just slip it in the kennel block she may not notice and may not notice the cocker that arrives on sunday.

    I can feel the long long silence already.

    Keep smiling.

  4. I have a kennel full of dogs sadly ive not trained any on deer ,i know some dogs do it without a problem but after todays stalk i now realise i will have to get a dog for the deer.

    Im looking for a Hungarion wirehaired vizla bitch .

    Today went like this ,out at 4.30am That auld bugger Rab slept in so we were a bit late geting on the ground ,after a long time scaning with binos and driving over rough ground we had a long walk up the side of a rape field onto a piece of rough pasture had another good look around then Rab spoted a buck way in the distance we then droped back down the hill a bit to come into the buck into the wind after a bit of a crawl we spoted the buck lying in the long meadow grass only his head gear and lugs above the grasses Rab wanted to take the shot so I handed him the rifle he said to me give him a shout to get him on his feet witch i did and the buck stood up he was closer than I thought about 30yds so i thought rab would neck him he is a good shot and unlike me necks deer regularly i always go for the boiler room anyway the buck takes a couple of steps forward onto a wee hilock he stops Rab fires into the engine room off goes the buck like a rocket in a long wide arc then drops about 125 yds away, we walked towards the buck and i asked the auld **** why he didnt neck as he usually would he said he was sick of me going on about neck shooting so he took it in the body forsake of some peace .

    When we eventually found the buck in thigh high grass after about an 20 mins of swearing and cursing each other i gralloched it to find the shot went straight through the heart out the other side smashing the left leg hence the big arc .

    The rifle we used was a .22-250 55grain federal .

    I was a bit worried that if this was the evening stalk i may not have found the buck in time so if you anyone selling HWV pups let me know and if you know anyone who wants an old retired stalker who drives nowhere smells a lot and drinks everones whisky he is free to a not so good home .



  5. What I would class as a great day is the beaters guns and pickers up all enjoying themselves watching the dogs working to me is great , then stop for our piece the craeck is always first class then after the shoot stop for a dry out and those that dont have to drive a few drams sit beside the log burner just having a good laugh . PURE HEAVEN cant wait.


    Keep smiling Hoolit

  6. werent getting at you hoolit,just that knob stavros

    No offence taken ive been told to watch out for two foriegn guys using a old shape volvo estate ,it has been seen in the Wset lothian area.

    Keep smiling Hoolit



    what colour and where about in west lothian mate? :thumbs::victory:

    Hi from what ive been told it seems to be a red or dark orange colour all ive been told is it has been seen a couple of times on an estate in west lothian area the guy wont say any more than that ,he is a well respected shooting man in that area.

    These things tend to come via two or three differant parties so i usually take them as a tip and no more ,i dont know if they were involved in anything up my way or not.

    But i feel a lot better now that crossbow is out of commission.


    Keep smiling Hoolit

  7. Hi all at last weve caught the guy ,(well one of them anyway) that has been taking the deer it turns out he has been going out just before dark with beleive it or not a bloody crossbow he did have a dog with a wee staffie obvousily was not working on his own but he is the only one wee caught.

    We took the crossbow and destroyed it .

    The guy was a foriegner eastern europe his mates were never caught .

    My boss arrived and gave the guy hell we did not get the police involved on my bosses instructions ,he reckons there is to mutch expensive new machinery about the place and they would only take their revenge if any court case ever came about .

    Now this is armed tresspass according to my boss i was not bothered about what law the guy had broke only the fact that a crossbow bolt flying about the place in the evenings when im going about my job scares me just as mutch as a guy with rifle .

    How long they have been at it and how many deer they have taken we will never know.

    It means the buck season is over for me but who knows what the doe season will bring.

    When i started this thread i did not realise it would create so mutch high feeling ,I hope we can all agree to disagree, but continue to treat our quarry with the utmost respect and we must try to find common ground or our field sports will disapear for good .

    The antis also read these pages ,thats almost guarenteed.


    Keep smiling Hoolit

    • Like 1
  8. Well someone must have voted your SMP's into their seats.

    Aye Im afraid the shooting community is in the minority in scotland if not Britain but we all know from past promises that politicians have made, the chances of them doing what they say they will is very slim.

    But the SGA is making progress and with a bit more time we can get our point over .


    Keep smiling Hoolit

  9. Aye Greek Phil the article sums it up perfectly ,what a farce the tax payer paying again for one balls after another .


    Remember the tail docking advice they took from the RCVS and SSPCA, my boss has had two of his own dogs at the vet to have tails shortened due to the damage they received after only one season.


    I think in Scotland we are in a fairly dangerous position ,as our parliament sit on their arses in edinburgh and take as law every word spouted out by the RSPB SSPCA and the the like.

    We have only one body lobbying on our behalf in Edinburgh and thats the SGA they desrve all the support we can give them or our children or grandchildren may never know this great sport of ours .


    Keep smiling Hoolit

  10. Hi all I remember someone saying they are seeing a lot of black rabbits about i am seeing a lot out my way and as i was driving through East lothian a few days ago i saw about 7 or 8 within a mile or so ,but the numbers off rabbits in general seem to be a lot higher than the last ten years .

    Is there a rabbit population increase there definately seems to be around me.

    How about other areas of the country , i would be interested to find out about your areas.


    Keep smiling Hoolit

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