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Everything posted by holdsy

  1. I known that I am a thick Norfolk bumkin, but for the love of God I cannot figure out how to use this stream vision app. Do anyone know of another program that I can use on my main computer that will simply download the recorded videos? I cannot get it to work on my smart phone, Lenovo table or my desktop computer and feel like ripping my hair out. Can anyone advise please
  2. I have a Elimator FAC air rifle that I hardly ever use. Needless to say it is powerful and very accurate. Won't mind swapping it for clean and tidy semi auto 12. I live in South Norfolk about 5 miles north of Bungay. Obviously Fac holders with appropiate slot.
  3. Hi Folks, Perhaps some of you can give me some advice regarding night vision. The last time I had any experience with night vision rifle scopes was way back in the early seventies as a soldier in Northern Ireland with a starlight scope on my old SLR rifle, that if I recall weighed more than the bloody rifle lol. Like most people I would love the idea of having thermal or a gen 3 riflescopes, but again like most people my budget wont stretch anywhere near that sort of money, and apart from that I only want a scope for keeping the rabbits down, with the odd charlie. So I have opted to
  4. Hi Everyone, I am taking delivery of a young Harris Hawk in September and I am on the lookout for a complete telemetry system that will not break the bank of England. alan.holdsworth@btinternet.com 01508482651/07719217389 thanks
  5. I have a Sharps Ace and a Sharps Innova that I am looking to swop. I am looking for either db .410 shotgun or rook/rabbit rifle. Also on the lookout for a progressive reloading press and assesories for .38/357magnum. The scope on the Sharp Ace is not included as I have taken it off one of my stalking rifles and is for display purposes only. Both rifles have excellent seals. Or make a serious offer! and no I dont have any spares such as open sights or would consider offers of less than £150. I have heard that people might have found one of these rifles in the past for only £x amount. So glad
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