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Posts posted by Swift

  1. Mixi!

    This country is a absoloute joke, we have glorious countryside ( but were not allowed to walk most of it) and keep building on the f****r. The nature we have they send out diseases to make the suffer and die, if this country had anything about it, they would realise there is enough people around to keep the numbers down by humaine deaths, They let a horendous amount of f*****g pakis and kosovans and all sorts of dirty smelly b*****ds who just want to rape our women and try and take us over while the government just give them money to do it, this is were the bnp comes in strong and take this country back to how it used to be.

    There are so many other things that is wrong with our country i could go on all day,


    But the countryside and our tradition of hunting the likes of working dogs and all manor of hunting makes this country what it is, and there are f*****g idiots that want to take this away from us, we all need to stick together and sort this out.

  2. 7yr old an 4yr old are upstairs in there bedroom"you know what"sez 7yr old,"i think its time we started swearin.


    when we go downstairs for breakfast i will swear first then you"."ok"sez 4yr old.


    mum comes from kitchen an asks 7yr old what he wants for his breakfast."i will have cocopops,bitch".WHACK,he flew out of his chair cryin his eyes out.mum looked at 4yr old an said sternly"and what do you want for your breakfast?"."i dont know"he blubbers"but it wont be fxxkin cocopops!



    :clapper::clapper: thatmade me chuckle

    Me n all quite funny :) made me laugh

  3. if he had struck my daughter id have buried the fecker . FACT .



    always some hard fecker around,the bloke had problems read it, the man did right a smack and the police,we dont need hard fuckers like you

    What on earth are you on!?! Some sort of medication I bet!!!

    " AN EYE FOR AN EYE" I say.


    Whos that aimed at.

  4. if he had struck my daughter id have buried the fecker . FACT .




    To f*****g right i would have thrashed the c**t to a inch of his life, all u did was put him on his arse, he hiit ur son for f**k sake!!!

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