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Posts posted by lindsay

  1. Well Jake and I were out again as my cousins mate who is a farmer asked if we would have a go at the pigeons on his land.So we went the day but only with a hand full of cartridges each as we are low and no were open the now for a resupply!! managed 13,but thats more permission :thumbs:

    Anyway here is Jake with the final bag.


  2. Well me and ma wee lad Jake went out for pigeons the day.We took the magnet and some shells and set up a hide on a fence line at front of a wood.

    Only a few seemed interested! :hmm: so i sneaked down the fence line to see were they were all heading.

    Bang, they were all settling on a small turnip field. :gunsmilie:

    So we packed up and headed down the fence line and set up again.

    Within minutes they were all heading back,we had a grand couple of hours out the day.

    The total was 10(one still up in tree) the wee man was shooting well with some good shots.


    Once we were leaving i got speaking to the neighbouring farmer and he gave me perrmision to have a crack on his land too :thumbs:


  3. I have 2 driving tickets for the driving experence at Knockhill circuit.

    The tickets are for the 3rd gear experence costing £189 each plus £15 web photos=£204 each,however i am selling for £300 as they run out on the 19th of next month!but can be extended for £10 a month up to 6month.Reason for sale is Due to work commitments.

    If anyone requires anymore info then go to knockhill circuit webpage or pm me


    would make ideal early exmas pressie

  4. Good to see some light hearted banter for once! Personally if I wanted to know where the farm was I'd just google it! to hell with the SSS! How's it going LINDSEY?

    Am good mate and you? been out wae the ferrets yet??

  5. haha i shoot powhillon quite regularly,BW,THWAITE,P-SIDE,RESERVE,P-FOOT.. not disrespectful at all but i have learnt to keep my mouth shut about where certain areas of merse are to shoot especially for the world to see on a forum. now if you pm me i might be more willing to share views with you. you put to much info on a forum then all the shooting for local lads is ruined by twats that come up and shoot at anything that moves. and i certainly dont think the merse is mine,its our merse the local boys,get a bit frustrating when you jump into your usual creek only to find some idiots have lined the bit out because info has been leaked on a forum. think about it my son play the game right and dont be stupid


    Well if thats not telling the world where you shoot what the hell is?????

    sometimes its the "local" lads that can ruin the marshes all by themselves with mouthy couldnt care less attitudes if someone is in "your usual creek" get out of bed earlier in the morning then!



  6. freelander 2litre dieselfull leather twin sun roof alloys new tyres v reg 1999 taxed til feb mot august 2010 roof bars metalic green £1600 company car forses sale would px for rapid 7 0r airarms s410 pm me if interested sorry no pics


    Is it a 3or5 door? whats the milage mate

  7. Just thought i would put up aphoto of part of my new pond,batteries died so couldnt take any of otherside,but at top end it curves to the left and is about same size again.

    Can anyone help me on how to attract ducks,i have put down some barley over the weekend so heres hoping.



  8. Went for a mornings flight on the solway with my good mate Lindsay. About an hour and half after sun was up we were sitting in hide when we noticed old Charlie breaking cover and heading over our way to try its luck with our decoy pattern.


    A minute or two of my proven fatal squeaking and he was on his way. With Lindz keeping his head down in the hide keeping his trusty lab by his side I crept along slightly to get a better shot.


    Old Charlie finally stuck his head up out some long grass about 40 yards from me and taking my chance I unloaded a round only to miss as he made his escape, however with two more big loads in the auto I unloaded them and sent old charlie into a heap on the floor.


    No geese were shot but good morning was had regardless, cause as Lindsay will tell ya Im a fox man through and through.

    Cheers for the day out Lindz next time we might bag a pink :icon_redface:


    I grand morning stu, you were very lucky as i was giving you 2more seconds as them widgeon that flew by had my name on them :hunter:

    Good photo too :D

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