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About luchielou

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  1. Hi I'm new here, I did post on the wrong section, I just bpught a pup shes 6 months old, and shes bred out of sire rosco out of cruiser sheldon, fast bitch out of the beast and put back to a bitch called ginger also out of flint lines, just wondering if anyone have any info on any of these dogs? The pup come from Liverpool way. And does anyone know anything about a man called kipper? I have been told its something to do with his breeding. Cheers
  2. Hi mate thanks for the reply, sorry i posted here but as you know im new to this site I did try looking for the lurcher site to post this but couldnt find it. Anyway you said rosco is your dog, do you know what type of bitch you put him to, because my pup is only 6 months old, and do you know anything about this Kipper bloke. Cheers And thx for everyone welcoming me
  3. Hi Im a new member here, and I'm after some information. I have just bought a pup 6 months old, I bought it off a guy called Alan Mathews, sire is rosco out of the lines of cruiser sheldon, out of the beast put back to a bitch called ginger also out of the flint lines, I whish to know if anyone knows of these breeds, and if you do do you think this dog is fast enough to run on the fields? Anyone with any info on this can get back to me, I would very much appreciate it. I have been told its from kippers breeding. Is it bred out of fast animals or stayers? Cheers
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