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Posts posted by speedy87

  1. Gutted, looks pretty cert I've got this dog next week, few lads up durhum I'm going to have a mooch with end of feb, went and looked at pig farm, fcking crawling with rats going to put a post up on here for a few lads if they fancy a do. Hurry up and pics up I'm intreiged

    Atb scott

  2. While this threads on I'd like to ask a similar question my big lurcher had the tip of his ear bitten off when out lamping only a little bit barely noticeable but it bled like f**k that was a long long time ago and now it's just like a hard patch of skin no fur on it it's only tiny but just wondering what it is no bother with it any ideas is it just the way it's healed


    Sorry for jumping in on the thread josh :thumbs:


    Its totally normal the skin where the tear/scar is has no or few hair folicles, could take years to grow some or never. Same as a pre ban bull x on a fox has scars no hair if that makes sense. I have a burn on my leg from 10 year ago only just starting to get the odd leg pube back, hope this helps

  3. While this threads on I'd like to ask a similar question my big lurcher had the tip of his ear bitten off when out lamping only a little bit barely noticeable but it bled like f**k that was a long long time ago and now it's just like a hard patch of skin no fur on it it's only tiny but just wondering what it is no bother with it any ideas is it just the way it's healed


    Sorry for jumping in on the thread josh :thumbs:

  4. Either two thing its scar tissue or it can heal up with infection inside therefor either go to vet and pay loads or pic scab of if not too big and lightly squeeze shit out and wash with salt water 4 times a day for 2 days then twice for the rest of week. If still showing a sticky gooey scab, may need penacilin dose then after a couple of days some natural yoghurt to encourage new good bacteria. Got taught this off an old lad who is top with his dogs and seen the whole procedure done.

    Atb scott

  5. Yeah everyday for a long walk to keep him fit and let him see and smell new tackle. He did a rat on moor friday I think it was ,he looked well proud of him self. Got some permission today for rats on a pig and hen farm so need a terrier and might get a couple of lads out and make a day of it. Also som permission for other gear ;). Got a few problem fox so said I'd come dig them or bob out with lad and shootthem. You been out, got a pic of your dog yet?

  6. Encourage the dog, with all dogs I've worked I've always made a hissing noise when I want to slip or thereis something ready to bolt and the dogs have learnt to pull forward eyes forward keen as ready for the slip. Don't mess aboutwith dead ones as it does nothing. Slip him/her on a few through the day and hiss or make noiseto encouragethe dog then try at night. I introduce pups with my noise with bones etc. Sounds daft but it works.


    Atb scott

  7. and yet again this bows down to the majority against the minority. The majority(bbc,townies,authoritys etc...) don't have a clue about any countryside related matters but still have control for the fact they are the majority. This would be a even fight or even for us to become the greater side if organisations like basc,CA etc.. Got off there greedy fat arses, pulled together and spent the membership fee's on fighting for their members and not on shite.

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