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The Seeker

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Posts posted by The Seeker

  1. This suicide thing is a mystery to me, I remember when I was about 19 a lad who was a year or two younger than me went to the match, he laughed and joked in the pub went to the game and after went home and hung himself, He had a small child less than a year old as well.


    Never to this day 25 years on do i understand why he hung himself?

  2. Taking the emotion out of this I kind of agree with Nik, 28 years these family's have fought courageously some may say but thier life has been consumed by this. At what stage should this be ended?


    As for the six who face criminal prosecution incompetent yes, arse covering yes but I don't think any one of them got up that morning and thought I'm going to kill 96 people today. Let's face it sticking these people in prison isnt going to bring back these loved ones.


    Easy for me to say as I've not lost anyone I know but when is it time to move on?

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  3. Terrible leadership not the strength this country needs in these uncertain times. Margaret Thatcher she most certainly isn't.


    I still have no doubt Labour in its current form would be the most damaging party this country has ever faced. their biggest ace played was to attract the student vote


    What an absolute mess. Hung party, no clear leadership, no mandate for a strong Brexit, weak position within Europe...Oh Britain what have you done to yourself?

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