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mighty celt

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Posts posted by mighty celt

  1. 7 minutes ago, harryshounds said:

    You can get em but they need to be old style breeding none of the field trial shite that diluted blood of most gun dogs. I've had two really good ones. My last springer would mark a fox earth, could be used to remove fox from hole at end of dig, would dig rats, hunt anything and retrieve. Was built like a bull terrier, slower moving then the hyper shaky yokes ya get today. No pics of the one I had before him but he was the same only didn't retrieve.  


    No doubt you can get them,they were never shy of game.i just personally wouldn't have another i find the crosses a far superior dog for fox hunting.

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  2. I have tried the full springer route on a couple of occasions with no great successes turned out only fair dogs,and other full springer dogs that I seen that were ment to be good fox dogs never rated them,you want a half springer half Beagle.or a 3/4 springer 1/4beage or a springer Beagle terrier mix,just my opinion from personal experience pal.

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  3. Really like whippets,I had a pair of them when I started off,they were cracking little dogs and got me in to hunting foxes, killed a good amount of foxes with them running double obviously, they took a hell of a lot punishment if on there own and dropped a few here and there if 1 caught while the other was still in cover as they used to hunt up with terriers,now all I do is foxes,I wouldn't dream of adding whippets to a good fox bitch if you think you need add whippet for bitch to catch she not that good obviously, 

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  4. 7 minutes ago, TOMO said:

    you meant his was a hid enforcer

    do you think there's any difference between the halogen enforcer and a striker or blitz halogen...

    Not really apart from the small light on enforcer for getting threw gates over ditches is handy,had a lot of problems with the lead off enforcer going bad on my 3rd 1 now and have it taped up to help support its connection to lamp to be fair I do a lot of lamping and it takes a good bit of stick threw out season. It's a good lamp.

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  5. His is the new HID white bulb 1, expensive thing about 400 he paid for it.read your post wrong thought that's what you were asking about,yes that lamp is more powerful then my 240 enforcer not the halogen 170 ,it's to bright for my liking.

    No bud you can get enforcer in 240 aswell.

  6. Ya that's the way we hunted as kids a pack of Russell's and terriers be a few whippets whippet/grey and a Beddy/whippet  we put a lot of game to bed with them dogs,there was nothing safe in the country,up at first light and back well in to the night probably after covering around 30 miles happy days and as you said trev them dogs would smash cover for there game and work well with the terriers best type of hunting still do it to this day mainly for foxes.

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    On 21/01/2021 at 17:42, Themole said:

    Hi fennman I dont keep griffons personally my mate does I'll ask for you I keep the springers 

    Hi pal I'm in south of Ireland looking for Springer to hunt fox for lurchers always kept teagles and teckels if you hear of any Springer pups or cockers or even an adult dog doing the job could you let me no would be much appreciated.

  8. 37 minutes ago, cantona said:

    My mate has got his whippet greyhound in pup to a day time coursing dog 

    Had a bitch bred this way and she would make fast dogs look slow unbelievable acceleration and top end speed and could maintain it had the best strike mouth I ever seen on a dog I dont think I will ever see a dog as good on edible gamepost-32721-0-55998100-1327499632_thumb.jpg

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  9. On 01/05/2020 at 23:48, Lenmcharristar said:

    Gis a close up of that rapala mighty Celt, some smashing trout

    here you go bud the 2 together i find the best for trout there 7cm original  there deadly.I use the countdown version in deep rivers or if the current is strong to get them down to fish.


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