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Posts posted by DIDO.1

  1. 8 hours ago, Blackmag said:

    Yes I thought the same buddy but I don't think theses lads care to be honest I couldn't get my head round why anyone would use a 3 1/2 inch on a flight pond or not pick up all there empties 

    Standard behaviour from a lot of shooters, they aren't sports men, just shooters....there is a massive difference between the two. 

    I had a cracking pond on some moorland and a couple of local lads asked if they could buy a flight, I said no as I genuinely wasn't allowed to take guests on for various reasons linked to landowners and tennants, I was lucky to be on there myself. Anyway the two lads went up regularly training their dogs at last light on the edge of the pond to put the ducks off. 

    I've known loads of instances like that. 

    • Sad 1
  2. 41 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

    He knows how to be in the right place...to win more votes,nice touch being interviewed at a Boxing Day Meet😉...let's hope if he does get in,that He is actually Different to the rest of the pond scum👍

    Can't be any worse at at least it's hurting the two party system 

    • Like 4
  3. 11 minutes ago, Francie, said:

    Around 1999 a binman who lives local got ran over an flattened,stone dead out working on the bins,after that it all changed,cameras regulations etc

    I bet it was Greb.... running red lights trying to get his bin back 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2
  4. Just now, tatsblisters said:

    Enjoy your day mate as it won't be like that once the kids have flown the nest. I was up at 5 this morning and was looking at the grandkids presents under the tree which we are taking up this afternoon along with presents for my daughter's and their partners as well as having our Christmas dinner their.  I remember the day's when Christmas morning would have been bedlam and me suffering from a slight hangover. 😂 

    Yeah time flies. Make the most of every minute, even if it's driving you mad. 


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  5. 9 hours ago, Goly said:

    90, madness, I believe he was younger than Plummer, think he would have been 94 ish? Is it just me or has it dawned on you just how fast we age, it felt like two mins ago when I was reading books written by the pair and they would have been around 60, almost a decade younger than my old man is now, thanks for giving me the bug, RIP Groucho.

    Very true 

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Greyman said:

    It’s really sad mate good English birds in the home spend there own money on residents go way beyond there pay grade and get payed £11.50 an hour cleaners in Aldi £14 the home owner also gets money to sponsor the Indians etc they have to sign a 3 year contract so he shits on the brits to import more from abroad and make more profit it really is a terrible industry hopefully your mate is one of the few that gives a bit back 

    I've invited him shooting twice and not had an invite back so fck him

    • Haha 1
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