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Attack Fell Terrier

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Posts posted by Attack Fell Terrier




    Anyone know of any ''Cock steroids'' that actually work ?


    Does the saddle sniffing not work like I told you before?




    Tried it but didn't have a good side effect .......................................

    Yeah too much can give a Savile effect!


    I shall remain suspicious lol.

    I wouldn't worry about it mate, I'd swear my wife is making words up as she goes along with some of the things she says sometimes! :blink::laugh:


    Would you be so kind as to Ask your lady what brammer means mate, see what she says?


    Two different answers but I suppose that's how things work up there ey lol

    Scots a slavering c**t.....it doesn't mean that. Means shes a f***ing numpty!!... :thumbs::D

    LOL! I don't know who to trust now lol.




    Sergio tacchini or Pringle jumpers faded Louis jeans deodora gold trainers , slow dances at the end of the night to Phylis Nelson move closer and diamond white cider


    I've got a Sergio Tacchini jacket in the wardrobe, it's a bit tight round the guts now though lol.

    I had some Kevin Klein boxers I bought from a Paki on a market which will remain nameless !!

    Lol, as much as I wish they weren't here some of the things they do have me in stitches.


    To be fair you cant even see the scars pal.

    Good mate. Must've had a good 1. My bollox grew back again fine but the gynaecomastia stays. Just finishin the 4th and last bedroom in my hoose and its lined up as a gym...nae gear though ;+)

    Fair play, you've gone through a lot by he sounds of things mate. A lot of young lads would do well to learn from you.


    How bad is the gynaecomastia? Can you wear a normal t-shirt without showing anything? Or is it noticeable under your clobber?


    Sinnead has just been on the news slaughtering organised religion although she's a Catholic and believes in god. Interesting point of view she had though.

    She's a f***ing brammer tae!!!...... :icon_eek:

    What's a brammer? lol

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