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Posts posted by fenman1#

  1. 10 hours ago, toolebox said:

    I don't know any of these dogs mentioned but Id like to offer up the example of pure bred dogs of most breeds .They have been bred close by kennels or the dog show owners ,how close I'm not sure. This has lead  to a huge raft of health problems within in these breeds ,some of these problems are major ,costing their owners thousands in vet care and treatment, this has  resulted in some dogs having to put down. We now have so many breeds not fit for purpose , unable to deliver puppies without a C section, unable to reach old age without a operation , unable to run or even walk around the block on a warm day,  wont enter the water to retrieve a shot bird ,wont guard, so unstable that they attack their owners or family  members including children,  all this disappoints me ,oh how far we have fallen dragging the dog along with us ,and its sad that the dogs are the ones that ends up paying the most ,we have truly lost our way .    

    He's sire is 14 in October was never in a vet for health reasons just injurys, and was tight bred plus show dogs have been f****d from decades of wrong breeding. But I knowq what your saying when I believe theres health problems in the dogs I'll break it up a bit but wqill always have something close. Line breeding the only way in my eyes 

  2. 3 hours ago, whitefeet4190 said:

    I love the look of them mate, I’d like something like that, my beagle spaniel is great dog but when he get on scent he’s gone, I need a horse to keep up with him ?

    put some more pics up of urs mate 

    That beagle spaniel you have is a fine dog mate. My type of hunter 

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  3. Don't get me wrong i have some sort of attachment to all dogs but it's an attachment you need to understand can be gone in a flash. Seen a couple dogs hit park benches lamping foxes that was covered with bramble too. Just something that can happen that we obviously try to avoid but accidents happen. And 9 times out of ten will happen to probably the best in the yard 

  4. Try not to get an emotional attachment even tho it's hard when your getting a dog fit and ready for running and spending hours every day you build an attachment then see it kill its self off a tree, dyke cattle troth is hard but when it's happened a couple of times you just say f**k sake and start again if that was your only dog. Most dogs iv seen killed on the lamp was from fence stakes and you can't avoid them. There's a hundred+ in most fields round me 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, SheepChaser said:

    Some of you lads really hang out with / know the wrong people ? sure there are a lot of arseholes out there, most folk are idiots to be fair. But I can’t say I personally know many folk selling dogs for mega money and have never come across anyone selling Lurcher pups for some of the figures quoted.

    People pay daft money for stuff all of the time and always have. Look at some of the plums you see in a wee white t shirt with a logo on they paid over £100 quid for. I mean come on, we now live in a world where men carry ‘designer man bags’ ffs ? if the going rate of a fanny licker pet dog is £2000 then that’s what’s gonna get charged mostly to pet homes, why wouldn’t you ?

    Working hokes are a different thing, but still folk under value Lurchers, a good spaniel pup would hve cost you £500 for just about forever, it’s not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things and if you’re bitching and moaning at paying 300-500 you need to have a think why.

    But I would say the vast majority of working Lurcher pups change hands for between nothing and 500 quid. And pretty much every lad I know with digging dogs is giving them into their circle for nowt to get them worked and keep the blood on the ground. 

    We’ve got a litter or Lurchers and bushers at the moment and any spare pups will be sensible money to go toward rearing them and that’s it. 

    Hit the nail on the head mate 

    • Thanks 1
  6. I just got my nephew a pup off a lad on here. Beddy/whippet x whippet/greyhound lovely little blue bitch. Price was 350 but before it was old enough to leave got chatting to lad and he said I could take for 250 but I told him 350 was a very good price and I gave the 350 and when I collected the pup he offered me a little rough coated red pup for nothing to take away. I didn't take it but was a nice offer, some decent lads still about. If anyone's looking for a rabbit dog he's pups are crackers 

    • Like 1
  7. 38 minutes ago, Penda said:

    You cant put every lad who owns a bull cross on the same page man come on we don't all do that that's like saying every lad with a saluki goes kicking up levrets end of August September ?

    Watching them run round in circles crying.. ?

    • Like 1
  8. 19 hours ago, Gospel said:

    I’ve seen it in different dogs mate never great results if they line is quality and producing there no need to go close there’s loads a quality distant 

    you’ve already outcrossing next again lol and ready with straws regardless if it’s any good ? pet bulls greyhounds mate you won’t see any negative effects your not giving em stick ?

    But there not my line so how am I gonna line breed? Plus I don't keep dogs to look at them you thick c**t do you think your the only man hunts well I know your the only man goes out in scuba diving gear. Plus if you look on terrier section I don't just keep runners.. We bred and kept gdoy 2020 he broke British Isles record in he's show so what can you tell me about working dogs you absalute retard.. My dog made history what have your dogs made you apart from there shit you clean everyday 

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  9. Just now, Gospel said:

    ? line bred shit you get shit back maybe the dogs had harder life mate and was actually worked hard ? who knows but I do know line a dogs mine from  been producing over 50 year ? ?

    Yeah and you quoeted already you done half brother half sister mating and got shit.. In my eyes that's a waste of 50 years mate. Iv got as good if not better and when I get problems ill out cross.. And your so dead set against it sounds like you have done it a fw times and not produced so I think it's a different line you need.. 

    • Like 1
  10. 18 minutes ago, Gospel said:

    No high and mighty mate I’ve done half brother sister wouldn’t again mate none lived older but than the grandparents ? fits and cancers and wasnt in the same league running wise ?

    That's what happens when you line breed shit you get shit back.. My old dog is 13 not 1 lump on him. And as I stated the dogs are doing what's asked of them why wouldn't I do it.. I will be out crossing with pup but what ever bitch works from that a frozen semen stick from the old dog will be used on that too might not be someone else's cup of tea but I like the way they work and hopefully they carry on doing what I like 

    • Like 6
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  11. 3 hours ago, Penda said:

    Pup looks a real strong type hope he serves you well In the future and line breeding you can not beat I don't care what people say it's the only to keep a good strong line going other wise you,ll be losing what you want eventually ?

    Thanks mate. Yeah it's the only way in my eyes and hasn't failed me 

    • Like 1
  12. 14 hours ago, Black neck said:


    Saluki bull grey that's all I'm saying 2 the pair on ya ,think carefully before u reply or a bitch will have 2 hold my drink ?

    I don't have anything against saluki's. If I hunted just hares that's all would be in my yard. But the land I run here is not made for saluki xs I was thinking of getting one for when I go England as I go there a few times a year and would have plenty coursing done or if I travelled here I'd get runs. But the land on my doorstep isn't coursing ground. He just comes out with the same shit and forgets what he's said in other topics. I actually like he's cream dog he's a fine animal and could be a good dog for all we know. But yeah I think he's a complete cock for a month solid he's jumped on every topic talking shit about other lads dogs that he knows f**k all about and they obviously ain't into just hare or they too would have coursing bred dogs.. 



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  13. 9 minutes ago, Gospel said:

    Is be a clown if I was chasing leverets mate 

    our lass put up with for 15 year needs a medal don’t ya think ? ?

    ? You told me you see loads of non saluki based lurchers struggle chasing levrits in circles in another topic you f****d. Only a clown does that is right ?

  14. Just now, Gospel said:

    ? a complete cock you sound like our lass ? 

    just good grub an hour morning and night I having slipped him out since 20odd a feb mate I might be a cock mate but I’m not a clown ? ?

    I never called you a clown but if your lass thinks your a cock too that says it all

  15. 1 minute ago, Gospel said:

    Shaaark was talking sense mate why you think they can’t breed natural ? 

    your inbreeding heavy not line breeding ? 



    How the do they breed so? only reason they was mated artificial by a vet is because the father was 12 and basically f****d he can hardly walk never mind shag.. And I had to get bitch tested and her ovulating day was day 7 and tbh I'd never breed a dog on day 7 so of i didn't do it i wouldnt have the pup I have.. And tbh what ever kind of breeding you wanna call it. I'll be carrying it on as the dogs do what I want and how I like them to do it. 

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  16. My mate in England bred the sire. He was a mother son mating he's dam was out of od bods stuff dog called gator she was put to a half x jeep bred. and her son put back to her produced my blue dog. Then we bred half x litter out of L's chucky and put a bitch out of that to my blue dog then put her to her son to get my fawn bitch and put her back to my blue dog (her grandfather) to produce the pup I have now 

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