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scoop and digger

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Posts posted by scoop and digger

  1. Hi i would like your opinion about lamping without the use of a slip lead.When I started running lurchers IT was all day work.About 1993 anyway My first dog had to learn by instinged as it was me the dog and some tips i got off older people.I had read a few books every one had there own way.I got a few tips that would work of one but not the other.In the end After about ten mnth i relised you can read all the book,s that have ever been wrote. )But you can only train the dog the correctly whey when you begin to know it,s temproment.I could go into all this but any good lurcherman will know what i,am talking about.Gave her first run on rabbits just over ten mnth up in bigger got two rappid back live to hand as she had only been trained on dummys Got her first hare sixteen mnth.Put her on the lamp about two and a half(nightmare)this dog was used to working up her own quarry with her nose.It took me about three mnth to catch her frist hare on the lamp.After another two mnth i took her of the slip lead and made her heal till she was told to fetch.If she moved without being told the lamp would be turned off and she would be called in At fist she would brake away and run across one of the other lads path.Then i would get a power.But in the end the dog came good.I have now trained three dogs to work off the lead lamping P.S The reason i did this i hated haveing to slip the dog at every fence then put her back on. :bye::yes:
    hats off too u catcher a think it takes a patient man too own and work a lutcher with a slip lead so u must hav the patince ov a saint too train it too heal everything in the dog must hav been telling it too give chase or too wonder off and just hunt up quarry its self with the dog being used too day work fair play too you :clapper:
  2. Was asked out again by a fellow terrier owner to go and check a farm as the farmer was having bother with you know who ,

    We arrived around 8am and set off to check for the problem , it didn't take to long as wee where getting close to an earth you could smell the quarry really well,

    Right time for the business to begin , off went my mates dog and after around 30 mins wee got a steady mark of around 1.3 so wee started digging , quite hard at 1st breaking through the clay but as wee dug on you could hear the sound of the terrier beneath us ,, finally we broke through and to our delight there was Mr and Mrs Quarry wee managed to expose of 1 but the other just seemed to vanish :wallbash: Not to worry as my little fell was raring to go , so out came my mates lakey and in went the little fell , i can only surmise it took her 10 mins and then again another mark only three feet away from the previous dig so it was just a matter of trenching in a bit further , we dug in and there he was sitting staring at us in a tube that was if you're lucky 12inch wide ,my god can they get into some tight spaces!! So same again out with the terrier and the problem was humanly dispatched ! :victory:

    So a big thanks to the guys concerned and i am sure to return the favour as and when 1 of the land owners gives me a call !

    Which i don't think will take to long as i have mostly been concentrating on my lurcher pups with rabbits and not had much time to take out the terriers and the guns !!


    ATB ANYTHINGOES :thumbs:

    cant wait to get out with you lot on your ground.. hopefully the best has still to come :victory:



    you're right mate you are welcome any time ! as undisputed says he has a bit of land with a few problems requiring rectification!!



    dogs for jobs mate :thumbs:

    atb anythingoes

    your some man you why did you no come this morning was last weekend too hard for you :yes:


    you missed a good morning out wee got three


    in future get out your bed. dont do texts at 5am in the morning you no the day was already planned :boxing::boxing:



    you missed a good morning your loss pal


    sorry mate ,, heard youse did well today my fones nlot stoped ,, am loaded way flu :sick:

    well done mate

    flu ???????? that columbia has a lot to answer for.


    no excuses .. not happy pal


    yes for all we were our 2 hrs had a great day no thanks to you....

    well said blackstuff he part timer cant keep up way the big boys his hands must still be all blistered fae last week :tongue2:

    wat u think blackstuff we gee him another chance after all he not used to manuel work he sits at a desk way his fancy shirt and tie on all day :tongue2:

    a must agree with you there matey .. a thought this was a reliable lad you asked to come along with us... a think last week must have took its toll on him :laugh: i think he must be turning into a key board hunter :boogie::laugh:



    one day off ill !!!

    youse two are at it !!! :yes::D

    ill u dont no wat ill is boy a was out on the job while a had a kidney stone the size ov a peanut shape up boy [bANNED TEXT] u only get out 1 day a week u dont take a day off :feck::feck:
  3. Was asked out again by a fellow terrier owner to go and check a farm as the farmer was having bother with you know who ,

    We arrived around 8am and set off to check for the problem , it didn't take to long as wee where getting close to an earth you could smell the quarry really well,

    Right time for the business to begin , off went my mates dog and after around 30 mins wee got a steady mark of around 1.3 so wee started digging , quite hard at 1st breaking through the clay but as wee dug on you could hear the sound of the terrier beneath us ,, finally we broke through and to our delight there was Mr and Mrs Quarry wee managed to expose of 1 but the other just seemed to vanish :wallbash: Not to worry as my little fell was raring to go , so out came my mates lakey and in went the little fell , i can only surmise it took her 10 mins and then again another mark only three feet away from the previous dig so it was just a matter of trenching in a bit further , we dug in and there he was sitting staring at us in a tube that was if you're lucky 12inch wide ,my god can they get into some tight spaces!! So same again out with the terrier and the problem was humanly dispatched ! :victory:

    So a big thanks to the guys concerned and i am sure to return the favour as and when 1 of the land owners gives me a call !

    Which i don't think will take to long as i have mostly been concentrating on my lurcher pups with rabbits and not had much time to take out the terriers and the guns !!


    ATB ANYTHINGOES :thumbs:

    cant wait to get out with you lot on your ground.. hopefully the best has still to come :victory:



    you're right mate you are welcome any time ! as undisputed says he has a bit of land with a few problems requiring rectification!!



    dogs for jobs mate :thumbs:

    atb anythingoes

    your some man you why did you no come this morning was last weekend too hard for you :yes:


    you missed a good morning out wee got three


    in future get out your bed. dont do texts at 5am in the morning you no the day was already planned :boxing::boxing:



    you missed a good morning your loss pal


    sorry mate ,, heard youse did well today my fones nlot stoped ,, am loaded way flu :sick:

    well done mate

    flu ???????? that columbia has a lot to answer for.


    no excuses .. not happy pal


    yes for all we were our 2 hrs had a great day no thanks to you....

    well said blackstuff he part timer cant keep up way the big boys his hands must still be all blistered fae last week :tongue2:

    wat u think blackstuff we gee him another chance after all he not used to manuel work he sits at a desk way his fancy shirt and tie on all day :tongue2:
  4. Was asked out again by a fellow terrier owner to go and check a farm as the farmer was having bother with you know who ,

    We arrived around 8am and set off to check for the problem , it didn't take to long as wee where getting close to an earth you could smell the quarry really well,

    Right time for the business to begin , off went my mates dog and after around 30 mins wee got a steady mark of around 1.3 so wee started digging , quite hard at 1st breaking through the clay but as wee dug on you could hear the sound of the terrier beneath us ,, finally we broke through and to our delight there was Mr and Mrs Quarry wee managed to expose of 1 but the other just seemed to vanish :wallbash: Not to worry as my little fell was raring to go , so out came my mates lakey and in went the little fell , i can only surmise it took her 10 mins and then again another mark only three feet away from the previous dig so it was just a matter of trenching in a bit further , we dug in and there he was sitting staring at us in a tube that was if you're lucky 12inch wide ,my god can they get into some tight spaces!! So same again out with the terrier and the problem was humanly dispatched ! :victory:

    So a big thanks to the guys concerned and i am sure to return the favour as and when 1 of the land owners gives me a call !

    Which i don't think will take to long as i have mostly been concentrating on my lurcher pups with rabbits and not had much time to take out the terriers and the guns !!


    ATB ANYTHINGOES :thumbs:

    cant wait to get out with you lot on your ground.. hopefully the best has still to come :victory:



    you're right mate you are welcome any time ! as undisputed says he has a bit of land with a few problems requiring rectification!!



    dogs for jobs mate :thumbs:

    atb anythingoes

    your some man you why did you no come this morning was last weekend too hard for you :yes:


    you missed a good morning out wee got three


    in future get out your bed. dont do texts at 5am in the morning you no the day was already planned :boxing::boxing:



    you missed a good morning your loss pal


    sorry mate ,, heard youse did well today my fones nlot stoped ,, am loaded way flu :sick:

    well done mate

    flu ???????? that columbia has a lot to answer for.


    no excuses .. not happy pal


    yes for all we were our 2 hrs had a great day no thanks to you....

    well said blackstuff he part timer cant keep up way the big boys his hands must still be all blistered fae last week :tongue2:
  5. You sure theres something in there?

    oh theres something in there ive been checking the earth for 1 week theres about 4 holes to the earth and on friday there was fresh pigeon feather so it just down to the dog. hes just not staying please help if any suggestions iam in swinton manchester i think maybe he just needs to follow a workin terrier down there. cheers for gettin back to me.

    alright just my opinion on your problem av worked lakies 5 years now and yours is still a pup some go at that age but not a lot the ones a work didnt stay 100percent till2 2 and a half try and get 1 in a trap put it in an artifical then u will c wat ur dog is made ov but make sure he is mature enough 2 take the pain cause he will get it working with a expreinced dog sometimes makes them lazy but most ov the time it helps i try 2 get them at a stop end take out the pro and let young dog finish it most important thing is patience gee the dog time 2 mature knew ov a dog that did not stay until it was 4 one ov the hardest dogs av seen work a shit u not hope everything goes well for u happy hunting :thumbs:
  6. Well it was about 9.45am and my mobile rang to wake me from a slumberus sleep, it was 1 of my friends who i work the dogs with , you will need to get up and give me a hand he say's ,why whats wrong i asked but to my delight all i hear is a terriers light squeel in the back ground,,is that a terrier i hear ? Yep sur is he sayd got up early for a walk and think i've pushed a fox to ground, the 2 dogs are gone and i dont have a box or collers F**k!!

    Give me half an hour and i'll be with you !! So i scpaped my self out of bed grabed the box ,collers and of course the dogs ;) and made my way to his location ,,Finally i arrive and park the jeep inconspiculusly or as best as ,,the adrenaline was pumpin :D and start a brisk march to were he said he would be ,, then i see him ,as black as the ace of spades , in a thick wood with a small clearing, theres 4 holes he said and i think they went in that 1 pointing to 1 opposite a massive big oak tree . 1 which wee had a go at last season but was defeated by roots :doh: ! well wee better hope they have kept it there or were on to plums again,, so i collered my little fell bitch and let her go!! BANG she flew down the hole he was pointing to ,and HOWEL she found her quarry!! Quick get a reading ,,,,, 1m start digging ,, so we did ,, all in his dogs must have been in about an hour now and still not showed :hmm: the quarry was there as the fell had proved so were are the dogs ,, wee were digging frantikly to get to the mark and finally broke through to see his 2 dogs at the back and my little fell jaw to jaw with an allmighty big dog fox so wee grabed the terriers and howked them and there quarry out of the hole for them to dispatch and dispatch they did my did they have a point to prove , every dog was marked that fox did well i told him and he gave me the nod :thumbs: after the mayhem wee checked the hole out to see a big ledge of slate at the stop end were i take it the fox was sitting picking of any open chances it could at the dogs !!! Well Aint i glad am a light sleeper was back in the house for 12 30 !! the joys of walking your dogs !! :toast::toast:



    yah lying big shite you know you never get out yer scratcher till well after 3.00pm....you probably got there as all the diggin had been done...lmao....where's charlie then?

    aye a know where is charlie :whistling: he was proberly still in bed 2 they 2 terriers are crackers :tongue2: u need 2 stop dipping them in dirty puddles trying 2 make them look as if they hav done a bit :feck: seen better corgi xs :feck:
  7. Wouldnt have got out of bed for that :clapper:


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