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Posts posted by Cleanspade

  1. the ultimate nikon slr handbook. volume 3. in all good newsagents now. :thumbs: . you will get a free dvd.

    and there is the monthly mags. lots of inspiration in these. i get outdoor photography. it covers. landscape wildlife nature and adventure.

    you could also join the library. if they dont have what your after you may be able to order it. :yes:

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  2. the course was broke down into ten one hour lessons . with a small test of ten questions after each lesson. then there is a test at the end of the course. it starts with

    1discussing what photography is


    2demystifying camera functions


    3motion and depth


    4capturing light




    6advanced composition


    7more about light


    8manual mode


    9colours in light.


    10discussing the digital image.


    this is a foundation course to help folk get to grips with the basic principles and out taking pictures on full manual mode equipt with the basics to build on :thumbs: it has helped me. as i tended to stay on the semi auto modes. or jumped onto the programe or full auto for fear of missing a pic. i'm now on fully auto 90 percent of the time .


    there is a follow up course .the ultimate photography programe. that can be took at a later date if you want to go a step further. .

  3. if you have an income it would be better to wait till early next season. fail to plan and you plan to fail :thumbs: do your homework get advice . get some quotes from local firms. sort out storage for machinery and tools. source waste disposal options. and good luck :thumbs: a crewcab pickup is the ideal transport. if you have a place to put your tools.

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