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Everything posted by discodogger

  1. sorry for the delay to your replys, i personaly know the person in question, and i know the dogs. my intention was to set the record truthfully. if a dog doesnt work, dont say it does. I wouldnt buy a dog from non working parents. We all know that even from working parents a pup might not work. so ile give the young lads a better chance to find a dog they would be happy with after 12mounths of rearing. And i do agree it is how you bring them,but you can bring them up the best. And they still wont do it. But if you want a dog for rats get one.
  2. you carnt advertise pups for sale out of working parents, [bANNED TEXT] the parents dont work. the bitch is only 12 months old and a fox bolted her out. and the dog has seen two 10 min barking sessions. I hardley call that working.
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