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Posts posted by Dan_Jones

  1. My lakeland was exactly the same part from he had killed my mates ferret so had the taste for ferrets. So after i got my new kits i thought no way was that happening again. i introduced him gradually to them by holding himby the scruff of the neck and holding the ferret near him.He was still trying to grab the ferrets for about 2 weeks but this gradually wore after as he knew he was gunna get a slight tap if he made a lunge for them :whistling:.

    After the 2 weeks i wa letting him ferret run about while he watched as i held his scruff. Then bout 2 weeks later again i let him off near the ferrets but kept right over the top of them both.. let this go on for about 3 weeks then 1 day my kit bit his paw and he ran a mile lmao. So now when he goes near the ferret hutches , he watches for the door opening and he moves right back .. if they run about on the floor he moves right away lol. Never tryed him out in the feild yet but by these results im guessing he'll be fine :D

    Good luck its not easy work lol :good:


  2. Give her little chunks of meat like rabbit or chicken wings ... she should be fine after a little bit keep her water there ... 1 of my jills stopped eating when i first got her soo i cracked an egg into a jug along with a little bit of milk and water then mixed it up for 5 mins and put it into a bowl for her .. its not to good with her but will fill her with proteins and all the other goodys .. should cheer her up ;)

    Good luck

  3. i just dont go ferreting if it rains or snows haha my permission is about 5 mins walk from my home so.. i made that on purpose so if im walking along and they scratching i can through a little treat over my shoulder and keep them quiet :) .. + i could easily cover it with something if i got caught short .. like my net bag or something.


    And i know i never expected to get anything .. i knew they wernt going to work properly yet but ill keep at them theyll soon catch on haha ;)

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