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Posts posted by datawrite

  1. well hes a whipet cross but im not sure if hes a bedlington but hes smooth coat, so i aint sure

    but at first i rang sumone elts for a whippet bedlington cross and they sold the last one, so the person ssaid he knows sumone who has the same

    cross so i went and got this one i got today but i dunno can u get a whippet cross bedington smooth coat

  2. thanks everyone for the info , i will let him reach adult before i take him out last thing i want is to retired him before hes a adult :signthankspin: thanks again



    timmy i got mine from tabley hunt and game fair but im sure you can get them off ebay

  3. Hi Everyone, just wanted to let you all see my dogs first catch lol well i dont think its much of a catch beacuse the rabbit had mixmatosis but its a start, what you all think ? any comments and tips to help me out as this is my first dog and my first time getting into the sport but anyway ere is a few pictures





    pictures wer took with a crap camra phone lol




  4. I usually put some pipes in the garden and let the kids play with the kitts during the summer and ive never had any bother with kitts lurking at the mouth of burrows , then i try them with a old ferret to ground in burrows for a bit and after i try them by themselves i check the burrow with a older ferret to see the youngsters not missed anything




    thanks for the info when is the best time to take them out. they are 8 week old now?

  5. hi people i have my ferrets now got two great silvers, but now its time to train them or is it ther almost 9 week old and i want to get them training for rabbiting soon as so whats the best way to get them started anyone with tips and info please write back


    thanks Dean

  6. hello everyone i just joined the site and i just got my self a whippet cross bedlington hes 8 weeks old and his name is cole :boogie:


    just wanted to know whens the best time to start to take him out having a sniff about and gett him start working hope to get sum info from the pros







    also i have uploaded a picture for you lot to take a look :D


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