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frankie dee

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Everything posted by frankie dee

  1. Blaze, Born Killer Or Big Softie Regards Frankie
  2. Got this little feller today Regards Frankie
  3. What a Good looking pup you have Steve Regards Frankie
  4. No problem Sam Frontline and Advocate both come in a pack of 3 pipettes one for each dog lasts for one month Regards Frankie
  5. No both mad But the l/w always seemed easy ( ish ) to train Regards Frankie
  6. hI Sam try frontline spot on you can buy at most pets shops or vets or from the vet try Advocate both are very good ,l think you can get Advocate on line hope this helps Frankie
  7. some more,of a mates dogs Regards Frankie
  8. l give one pip with hand signal for the stop/sit this can also be done on the lead while at heel when walking at heel stop blow one pip and command the dog to sit carry on with this untill you can do it off the lead l use two pips to turn the dog left or right when hunting. For the recall l sit me dog in front of me and command him to "come" and pip him 4/5 times he will soon get the message start off with a short distance and slowly move futher away hope that make sense Regards Frankie
  9. Scamp ( l/w ) Bracken ( b/w ) Regards Frankie
  10. Hi my name,s Frankie,at present l have'nt been beating but looking foward to going.I have two ess both dogs from the same litter now 7 months old and have started gundog training ( why oh why did l get two ) things are going well sometimes,still l enjoy beening out and about with the the dogs. Looking foward to any advise or tips from any in the know Take Care Regards Frankie
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