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Miss Tarka

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Posts posted by Miss Tarka

  1. The healing process is the worst bit....and not only do you have the itch of the tattoo itself but of the hair growing back...:/ just resist the urge to scratch it and it'll be alright in a couple of days...:)


    Atb Miss T x


    That's what bugs me. Just as the tat itself heals, THE BLOODY BRISTLES START TO ITCH!


    It won't be long and that'll stop....thats the one thing that doesn't effect us ladies...lol


    I've got 20 all in all so know the feeling your on about...lol


    You should put a picture up....:)


    Miss T x

  2. The healing process is the worst bit....and not only do you have the itch of the tattoo itself but of the hair growing back...:/ just resist the urge to scratch it and it'll be alright in a couple of days...:)


    Atb Miss T x

  3. He is skinny but Amanda hasn't had him long at all....you can't just throw weight on a pup in 10 days...and i was always told to feed any animal that is thin little and often...if you give them too much at once then you can cause damage to them...and yes raw meat is a good way to put the weight on but at the end of the day she is only doing what she was advised to do by the vet...don't get me wrong we all know vets can be t***s but generally they do know what they are on about...

    I never understand why people can't give advice without jumping to conclusions about an individual...


    keep your chin up sweet....can't wait to see how he comes along...:) xxxxx

    • Like 1
  4. Such a nice tribute Chalks...Couldnt of said it better myself..


    I am going to miss this man no end....he was a one of a kind stand up bloke, who would do anything for anyone.

    He will be missed by so many people im not even sure he would be aware of how many people he truely touched...my thoughts go out to his friends and family.

    We always had random phone calls and he always made me laugh...RIP Ady...Gone but never forgotten...His memory will always live on...:)


    Atb Miss T xx

    • Like 1
  5. Hey Ladies and Gents...


    Have any of you experienced random bruising with your running dogs?


    My girlie is 10 in june so i don't know if age has anything to do with it but she has been getting random bruising on her hind legs and stomach for a while now....she has been to the vets and had blood tests for everything under the sun with really good results but still the bruising is happening...never big bruises...until that is Tuesday....:/ took her and my terrier for a walk round our local lakes and there is a field that the both go running on and she took of after a rabbit....the next day she had a huge bruise on her hind leg...no idea how but it is impressive and colourful...she is fine...favoured the leg for a day and didnt want to run but has been chasing squirrels today..:) just thought i'd ask if anyone else has experienced this...


    The picture attached is the brusie on Thursday two days i had seen it...



    Atb Miss T x


  6. Not been able to get to this since i posted it....glad people are looing out for each other and their dogs...:)


    And Kanigra...i know beacuse my friend e-mailed me the details as she knows i live in Andover, one of the areas where they have been seen and wanted me to be aware for when i walk my two.....her friend runs a rescue and got the details from petsearch uk...Its people from the dog world looking out for others....


    Atb Miss T x

  7. I've already posted this in the lurcher and running dog section but need to get the word around if people could cross post it far and wide would be appreciated...these scum need to be stopped!!!


    Thought I'd let people know....


    This is being crossposted.....



    URGENT WARNING FOR MY DOG OWNER FRIENDS : Please cross-post! Dog thieves

    are operating in the Marlborough, Bourne Valley, Salisbury Plain,

    Tidworth, Andover and Eastleigh area. Two white men & one woman are

    targeting dog walkers who have their dogs off the lead, by putting a

    lead on the dog and getting into a white van and driving off. Please

    immediately inform Police if sighted.


    Atb Miss T x

  8. Thought I'd let people know....


    This is being crossposted.....



    URGENT WARNING FOR MY DOG OWNER FRIENDS : Please cross-post! Dog thieves

    are operating in the Marlborough, Bourne Valley, Salisbury Plain,

    Tidworth, Andover and Eastleigh area. Two white men & one woman are

    targeting dog walkers who have their dogs off the lead, by putting a

    lead on the dog and getting into a white van and driving off. Please

    immediately inform Police if sighted.


    Atb Miss T

  9. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2011/01/01/help-find-sick-yobs-who-hanged-two-lurcher-puppies-from-canal-bridge-115875-22818528/


    This is the link to the Daily Mirror article with the picture.....


    It is very disturbing..made me gasp and i had a tear in my eye...it has made my blood boil....i hope the person or persons who have done this get what they deserve....


    The poor dogs who have suffered...who knows what they may of suffered before hand....at least now they are away from the cruel B******s who called themselves owners....


    Atb Miss T x

  10. I am not an expert trainer by any stretch of the imagination but havent done badly by my two...and all the advice you have been givern is very good....i have always been taught one thing by my dad who had a spaniel for shooting and by other people dog people i know is you should make the reward treat something different to what the eat on a day to day basis...like a piece of cheese etc....then the dog doesn't get bored of his/hers biscuits....I know it sounds silly but it really worked with my JRT...that and taking her out with my lurcher who is older and very obedient seemed to help her pick it up...maybe you could arrange something like that once you have bonded with her again...it might help...:)


    Atb...Miss T x

  11. This is my JRT...if the link works...*fingers crossed* don't know what lines shes from probably none...i didnt expect her to get as big as she has but it doesnt stop her doing anything...she doesnt work atm as i have moved and can't get her out...but she is so switched on and after everything that moves including ducks...lol...and she is pretty good at flushing things out for my lurcher...and has a nose on her like i never expected...:)








    Atb Miss T x

  12. Bradie a 16 week old brindle Lurcher puppy was stolen on wednesday night 17th December from a garden on the somerset/Dorset border. Her owners son has downs syndrome and is heartbroken his puppy is gone. How do you tell him that news a week before christmas?.







  13. thanks to all the people that posted pics as asked.some awesome dogs in there,as for the haters b*****ks to you lot, i have owned bulls for over 20yrs and love there qualitys maybe they wont catch a hare,i dont give a shit, maybe they wont catch as many rabbits as other types of lurcher,i still dont give a shit,as for being hard mouthed if i want a rabbit for eating i will go out with the ferrets and get some, my little bullterrier caught on the lamp tonight ,not bad for an 11mth old, o.k not 40 rabbits just the one but i enjoyed it all the same,and aint that what matters enjoying your dogs?


    Well said.....it is indeed all that matters, as long as they do what you want and make you proud who cares what others think.....i just love watching mine do what she was bred to do wether she catches or not....always makes me smile....:)


    Atb Miss T x

  14. ebt are the thickest dogs out there so who would want a lurcher with half ebt in the breeding.


    My EBTxCollie/Grey is far from thick......and she isnt stubborn.....does everything she can toplease and has speed and can turn well and does well on bunnies.....wouldnt change her for the world...but its personal preference....the particular cross isnt for everyone...shes 8 now so getting on a little bit bless her....:)








    Miss T x

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