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Posts posted by pikey2983

  1. well come home today weather was still really nice but was coolig down so got the dog and went for a walk run a couple of bunnies then started coming back home when we was walking across the feild he seen a stick and went running for it i didnt seen till it was to late that it was sticking out the ground like a javerling he must of opened his mouth and it stabbed him right in the mouth he cryed like a baby by the time i got to him he had pulled it out so i come home and phoned vet right away got him booked in for 10.20 just hope he ok tryed giving him a drink and something to eat but he didnt want to know he has just layed on his bed feeling sorry for him self.

  2. just got back from been out with the dog and my mate off here went out looking for big bunnies think we seen 4. the last 1 we seen was right down the bottom of the feild was a bit far for the dog to run right down so we moved down a bit to the second gate and it was there just hopping alone. so got dog out the car over the gate and it was off got it in to the middle of the feild turned it a couple of times then my dog started barking so my mate said knock the lamp off i was gutted :( frist good run on a big bunnie and my dog went and f****d it up. i just hope its because he is only 15 month old and not 100% fit. any tips on what i could do to stop him doing it again would be a big help.

  3. tx 200 hc. what a gun in the right hands bit on the heavy said but apart from that its a good gun you should have no problem selling it. i px mine for a AA s410 when i got some money sorted i will be buying another tx.

  4. a man kills a deer and takes

    it home to cook four dinner

    but doesnt tell the kids what it is.

    he say he will give them a clue

    "its what mam calls me sometimes"

    the little girl screams "dont eat it. its f"cking arsehole"

  5. i have been working on a place the last few weeks and there are quiet a few bunnies i was wanting to know what would happen if i get caught ferreting on there im not arsed about getting a slap of any body because they would just get one back im just wanting to know about the law whats the worst that will happen.

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