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Posts posted by jackg

  1. Large house has bad problem with Cluster flies, I suggested to use two EFKs but householder is reluctant to have it on 24/7 unattended in the loft.

    Spoke to Barrettine who said they are safe to use in the loft with a tray extension.

    Looked through the Barrettine catalogue for them and a larger 30W seems appropriate.

    They are wired into the lighting circuit, do they have an on off switch on them?

    Anyone with any experience of this to comment?


  2. Thank you. A closer examination of the jackets shows damage to the wool in places.

    The white trails and casts leave a trail of damaged wool on the jacket. Moth eaten in other words.

    There are a few small holes in the wool.

    I have a kilo or so of diatomaceous earth for the floor and under the skirting.

  3. Four wool jackets in my wardrobe have marks and one has damaged lining to it.

    I have not worn these jackets for a year at least and they have been in the same wardrobe, in a westerly facing bedroom.

    The lining from a Swanndri jacket and is a perforated fabric not sure if it is wool, could be fine hessian?

     The damage to the lining is significant whereas there is not damage as such to the wool of the jacket.

    Further along the rail are 15 cotton shirts and Chinos trousers which have not been touched.

    Can someone tell me what the pest is from the pictures and the best control method?




  4. I issued a small claim for £250 including a fee of £25.

    she offered £100 for the work done for mice trapping in the loft and garage over two visits.

    At issue is three missed appointments for which she says I have no evidence, rather than denying they took place, plus traps and bait boxes still on the premises.

    She did acknowledge that I had done the work over two visits and the previous work 18 months ago.

    I had done work previously, about 18 months ago and she paid in response to an emailed invoice to her works via BACS.

    Question is, do I proceed further with court action where it is my word against hers?

    Her defence statement is not well thought out and a judge would probably see through it.

    Curiously she states she is a recruitment consultant rather than the MD  of a transport company and she has a linkedin profile stating that, not sure why other than to try to plead some kind of poverty, the income she gives is £1 in each of the income boxes.

    Probably earning too  much to let on.

    I have taken one company and one carpenter to small claims before, not pest control so I know the procedure.

    If she had to appear in court it would be a day as it would be for me. A time sink.


  5. Mice in a house three miles away, did it previously a year or so ago, paid then no problem.

    They missed three of my appointments and they have traps  in the house still, did not want me to use poison this time or previously.

    Nothing in writing, phone calls only.

    Emailed the invoice before Christmas and a  reminder five days ago, still nothing.

    Advice please.

  6. Went to a property to do a wasps nest and she asked me about cluster flies in her converted garage.

    The upstairs room is a living area with sofa, TV. She said it was used as a holiday let.

    The cluster flies gather in the Velux windows in the roof.

    The roof is boarded out with plasterboard and there are GL10 downlighters in the ceiling.

    So how do you control cluster flies in this room?


    Smoke bomb is an option as she would cover up or remove the furniture but the flies hibernate behind the plasterboard so the smoke would not get to them and there is a potential fire risk if smoke gets behind the plasterboard where the flies are.

    There will be insulation between the rafters.


    Diatomaceous Earth in the Velux somewhere?

    Fly papers.



  7. Couple of weeks ago I put some bait in a loft for what the houseowner thought was rats.

    Meanwhile she was occupied by her daughter's expectant child.

    Got a call today, she said the thinks it's squirrels,can I come as she is out the rest of the week.

    So checked the bait in the loft, two hatches, one was very small, 12" x 14"

    I had to get my arms through first as it was too narrow for my shoulders.

    Bait was taken slightly by mice.

    Saw a movement in the corner of the loft, which was low and very small, 12' x 12'

    Looked along the inside of the fascia board and saw a furry tail.

    Got fully into the loft and thought what to do, do I try to get it with it possibly bite my fingers or do I just put traps in and leave it?

    I could not leave it so I grabbed the tail and a young squirrel was in the other end.

    Wrung it neck and returned to get the cages of the traps.

    Back in the loft, saw another movement, another tail in the same place, so grabbed this tail and a squirrel was also attached which I wrung out.

    Back in the room to prepare the bait and the traps themselves and the bait then back in the loft with the bait and saw a third one at the other end of the fascia board.

    Checked for the structure of the loft, where any joists were and any supporting planks before moving, on the second attempt I got its tail, this one did try to rear up to my fingers but only got half way.

    That one also met its end.

    Never handled live squirrels before, I thought it would be a lot trickier than it was, they are similar to rabbits, grab the back of the torso in one hand and the back of the head in the other, just got to steer clear of the mouth.

    They were three quarter grown, thought they would have had more sense than they did.

    Left the two traps near the entrance, hope the parents aren't scared off.

    Any idea on maturity or age of them?

    The adult is one I shot about an hour later in the orchard where I live. No right hand and no left foot for some reason.



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  8. I was asked to trap moles in a triangular veg patch in a garden of a barn conversion property, by a regular customer, who is an experienced business man, he lives elsewhere.

    It was very hard to find runs and I think I put down five traps. I checked and lifted them the following day and had trapped two.

    Three days later, I was asked by his son in law to trap moles on his garden, a large country house which the Father in Law owns, when doing this I met the Father in Law and he said another mole was back in the veg patch and can I trap it.

    So I returned and found it even harder to find runs and put three traps down, from which I trapped one mole.

    As I did two lots of trapping, I regarded it as two jobs.

    So I emailed one invoice with the work written as one job and the amount double what I had previously charge.

    I spoke to him to discuss and he pointed out that I should have issued two invoices.


    He queried this and has suggested he will pay it but I do the next trapping job for him FOC


    I used to offer a ten day guarantee for my work but no longer do as it was abused which he quoted.

    I charge on my time to set traps and to lift them.

    He pays after four to six weeks rather on completion.


    So do other people come up against this and how do they approach it?



  9. I did a squirrel job about a month ago, following on from another guy who put one trap down for £150 and caught nought.

    This was a std two storey house about 20-30 years old.

    The squirrels were running in the space created by the soffit and fascia boards and seemed to between the felt and the tiles, they had made one hole in the felt.

    They scuffed one area of insulation and had a little go at another, a small amount of chewing of wood more than anything.

    I caught the first in a live capture trap and the second in a 110 after a lot of baiting with peanuts and peanut butter.

    But as you say the tracking dust is very useful.


    BTW Just eaten some squirrel curry.

  10. Late spring and wet weather caused by the gulf stream too low.

    The beekeepers have circulated an email to say that the honey supply is so poor that some hives require feeding and others are consuming their own stores.

    Additionally the blackberries are still coming into flower which is very late.

  11. Went to see a company who are on the first floor of a two storey commercial building.

    They hear squirrels in the ceiling and they have been seen entering via a cable access hole on the soffit.

    I lifted one tile on the ceiling to find the space above the ceiling is about 12".

    I could see two options for trapping them.

    1. Bodygrip in a cage above the ceiling.

    2. Bodygrip on a platform below the hole on the soffit on the outside of the building.


    1 is easier, but not sure about resting a trap on piece of plywood on the polystyrene tile ceiling. I could screw lengths of batten so they rest on the metal frame.

    Any views about the sense of option 1?

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