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Posts posted by wheaten

  1. Well think I'd rather have communication with dog than better map! The sportdog unit uses two different type of satellites I'm led to believe!

    A friend of mine is starting to sell the sportdog tec 1 and 2 units and also the trainer collars anyone interested let me know and I'll pass you on


    what stall you on mate?

    what stall you on mate?

    think wheaten has a stall selling fetish clothing masks ect if its the same bloke.
    Thts only because your a regular buyer from me! And your outfit has arrived if you fancy callin in for it you know that gimp outfit you ordered
  3. Good turn out again thanks to all for supporting the woodland show,nice to see a good few back at the pub it is hard when folk need drivers,lifts ect so to them who came to pub and put up with the SINGING sober cheers think everyone had a good night.

    Francolin, I can't believe you was even knockin some tunes out lol

    And we have had lots of people saying how good the judges was so a massive thanks to them boys!!!

    ATB Wheaton

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