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Ethan gunn

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Posts posted by Ethan gunn

  1. Hi just some advice please last year I got 1 Jill jabbed twice as she came back in, now I’ve got 3 and I didn’t manage to find a hob to vasectomise over the winter so now I have one Jill that is fully in season 1 that is half and 1 that is just starting, I know some people just keep the cage clean and take the risk but I would prefer to be on the safe side, I’m keeping the cage clean at the minute and thinking instead of getting 2 jabs could I wait until mid summer around end of may to get them jabbed so I only have to do it the once that would mean they have been in season a few months, I also try and let them outside but as it’s muddy I don’t think it’s the best incase it infects should I be letting them out does mud infect the same as a dirty cage?? As they need exercise. Thanks ?

  2. Would a half micro hob be able to take my Jill’s out of season, he looks smaller than my Jill’s so I would think not but just wondering am I better off getting a big one to take them out wouldn’t mind a half micro but only allowed one more so I couldn’t get both , cheers 

  3. Built a double story cage for a hob as I’m finally allowed one after loads of convincing and saying how expensive the Jill jabs are?but once I’m finished the hutch I’m gonna look for a hob around 7 8 months old and get is vasectomised so I can bring my 3 Jill’s out of season. My questions are will one hob be alright on its own obviously in the winter they will be together and in the summer one Jill with go in with the hob, I know hobs fight if they are together unless brothers but I only want one really just for my Jill’s and I won’t be allowed 2 hobs, also the Jill’s will have phantom pregnancy’s so once they are all together in there separate hutch will they be alright, a bit of dragging into the bed I suspect. How long does it usually last until they are out of season, thanks if u read all that just want to clear some things up before I go buying??

  4. Just came back from a few days ferreting and my mates rabbits are covered in liver fluke which isn’t the best but the ferrets are all covered in around 30 small black and white ticks each I just wonder if the burrows and land is covered in them it’s proper dirty like the rabbits look healthy from the outside 

  5. Does it sound strange that my ferrets that eat fresh meat everyday won’t even sniff a skinned rabbit, they are amazing Jill’s and after a few days working I gave them a rabbit and they haven’t ate it in 2 days so I have to give them some tripe. I think it’s strange that they won’t even bite the rabbit even when I cut it up in chunks I wonder if they know the rabbit is diseased as my mates rabbits all have liver fluke apart from 2 which I took. They aren’t keen on pheasant but that’s game they love pigeon. Just thought I’d share it as I think it’s very strange that they killed rabbits yesterday then today won’t even eat them.  Just gave them tripe and they aren’t eating that either very weird since coming back they haven’t ate anything in days.

  6. Normally feed my ferrets a mixture of vermin and a bit dry now and then however they are putting on weight I know it’s due to winter however a lad I was talking to said he feeds his every 2 days so should I feed them every few days instead of everyday but they always seem hungry or am I over feeding them by feeding them everyday? Seemed alright in the summer I think it’s the fat they are putting on for winter that’s making them look big, cheers 

  7. Hi, just wondering what people use to kill fleas. I freeze my rabbits to reduce the number of fleas my ferrets get and when they eventually do get fleas from the grass or whatever I use a little spot on from Amazon however every now and then I see the odd one, how do people not have problems with fleas? Thanks 

  8. Hi all, now  that I have 3 Jill’s I’m looking into getting a hob for next years season however I don’t want loads of kits so I have settled for the idea of vasectomy to bring them out of season. Does the hob have to be 6 7 months  Or can I get the opp done when the ferret is any age eg 1 year. So would it be more beneficial to get a hob kit and get it vasectomised  when it’s 6 months or get a year old hob and get it vasectomised straight away or does it not make much difference. Thanks ? 

  9. Hi all, my Jill came back into season and because she is staying at my mates for a week I got the jab to be on the safe side she started loosing hair on her tail a few weeks before coming into season and it’s just gotten worse and worse and now she has no hair on the underside of her tail when I went to the vets for the jab she told me it’s probably the heat whereas I think it’s adrenal disease. Her hair now comes out very easily when handling. Hopefully she is shedding and it will come back at some point however it doesn’t look very promising any ideas? Should I go to the vets for treatment or leave it and see if it fixes itself and then if not go to the vets at a later date? Cheers??

  10. Just some advice please I’m trying to get my new kit and my older jill to live with eachother so I separated the double story hutch into 2 singles and like people have told me I’ve let them out together for a few minutes under my supervision and the kit (9 weeks)starts crying and tries to get milk obviously it must miss its mother however my jill doesn’t know how to react and is quite shook by the fact this kit is crying so she either tries to pick it up by the scruff or like she has just done vigorously try and bite it.At this moment in time it looks like it could take months for them to get used to eachother, any ideas what I should do? Or should I wait until she is older and maybe they will get along. Cheers??

  11. Hi my Jill’s just had the jab and they are eating double or even triple the amount they were before, one of them has loads of dry skin coming off and I’m wondering if this is off the jab as it only started to happen after, also when will the donut go down in size and will they be out of season. I know they can come back in season so im thinking about a snipped hob for in the future as this is my first ever season, cheers ??

  12. Hi I have 2 Jill’s and one of them seems more domesticated than the other even tho it works just as good or better. My polecat Jill has seemed to act strange since she has came into season, I let the ferrets out to run around and play every morning at 6:30 and I take them down the woods to sniff about etc I also take them out again at 4 when I get in but she has suddenly seemed to be upset trying to push her way out of the mesh with her head like she is trying to get out even tho they live in a decent 2 story hutch with plenty of tunnels etc she is just acting really strange and it’s not nice to see, is there anything I could do about it other than give them more exercise? Thanks  

  13. Can anyone help or guide me into a direction both my Jill’s will not eat dry and they will eat very small amounts of chicken tripe. It will take them over 3 days just to eat a pigeon, anyone I’ve talked to says it’s unusual because theirs wolf the food down. The only thing they do like are sprat?this is Sod’s law as google says fish shouldn’t be an everyday thing so I’m stuck, should I keep feeding the sprat if they like them or should I try and find something they like? Cheers. 

  14. Just started ferreting and got out one day before the season ends. Bolted 16 happy days, however they are covered in fleas but this doesn’t seem to be the problem the ticks are. Around the ears of my ferrets there are small white and bigger black ticks I have removed the ones that are visible and added spot on and also bathed them in an lemon solution I was just wondering if there’s a way to get rid of them next time I will be definitely putting lemon on them before they work. Any suggestions would be great??

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