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mr moocher

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Posts posted by mr moocher

  1. i got some nice presents two gant polo tops and a gant rugby shirt socks cup and a quarter of weed but best of all the missus cooked a cracking roast and spent the day with my kids which was very nice

  2. 31 minutes ago, Franks dad said:

     Can you not video it ? … I know you ain’t happy about it but that’s pretty good going … he’s got to be as heavy or heavier than my dog  even as a youngster , mine can move ,but he’s never caught or got near a bird in the garden or field .. unless I’ve put a pellet in it … 

    he put the bird on the bench that my missus and him sit on as a sort of present,he ambushes them theres always a lot of birds in the garden and he knows where they go his mums the same she killed a pidgeon

    • Like 1
  3. my daughters off to cape verde in a couple weeks anyone been there?we got her bulldog staying and my sons babysitting her xl bully shes not oversized one about eighty pounds in weight hes gonna take her fishing

  4. my yougest daughter has four degrees shes head of her department,she had the chance to go work in america but did not want to leave her family,shes gonna take i think its called a masters degree and she wants to be an advisor to big companys shes very happy with her job she works from home most days

    • Like 1
  5. my pup keeps killing birds in me garden i dont blame him hes bred to hunt i just wish he wouldnot see them as a threat,i enjoy feeding and watching the birds it relaxes me hes killed about five birds up until yesterday he bit two in half on one day i was gutted,i think his preydrive is getting higher as he matures hes only 14mths,ill keep an eye on the situation if he keeps doing it ill move the birds to another part of the garden he patrols the garden goes nuts at anything its his turf

    • Like 2
  6. 1 minute ago, Greyman said:

    Pretty much the same as that mate, I did Portland and guys marsh done more for my education than 12 years in shit schools 

    i spent time at both them hotels and a few more but when my daughter was born i was looking at eight years for atempted murder and malicious wounding with intent i got off atempted murder but copped another two years for malicious wounding it was a long time ago my girl bought it all home and i aint been back since

    • Like 1
  7. thanks aint been a perfect dad but i tried they never went with out still spend a bomb on them xmas and birthdays my oldest is 32 ill keep on doing it til i die im close to all my children witch for me is the main thing

    • Like 8
  8. 5 minutes ago, mackem said:

    Good reason to be proud of them mate,hopefully they are going places four degrees is incredible,that’s real smart.

    thanks mack shes really good with numbers they didnot take after me none have a criminal record which considering is a big plus for me

    • Like 4
  9. Just now, mackem said:

    I guessed,as soon as you said 4 degrees I thought “Girl”.

    im proud of them all i have a criminal record as long as your arm was doing two years borstal at sixteen my first daughter was born while i was away and ive never been back since could say it changed my life

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  10. 1 minute ago, Arry said:

    Well Wifey is on Holiday so we don't go away we spend money on going out for meals as we are lucky where we live in Devon.

    Out for a roast at a Pub out in the sticks called the Rising Sun I liked the stain glass window.




    Cheers Arry

    looks very nice arry

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Arry said:

    It's something I have alway done mate I get at least an extra truss on each plant. I start my seed in February then move them to the green house after I think no risk if frost but still cover with fleece at nights til I think its safe. 

    In the pots that are sunken into the ground ( never any smaller that a builders bucket) I put about 4"  /  100mm of compost and plant the tomato plant in that. As it grows I take the lower leaves off and add more compost, I keep doing this till the pot is full. The stem of the tomato plant sends more roots out as it grows so you end up with a bigger root structure. I take all leafs out below the first truss and even a few more usually to aid air circulation.

    Hope this is some help mate.

    Cheers Arry

    out of likes arry thanks for that info just reported back to missus she said shell do them that way next year

    • Like 2
  12. 3 minutes ago, mC HULL said:

    i’ve just got shit saluki xs  mate but if i was out and i seen a big cat if you didn’t slip you’d just follow it back to we’re it was kipping with a dog with a half descent nose lol 



    we know and you would of beat it shitless you fool

    • Haha 1
  13. they was at the other end of the field they didnot see it tbh im glad they never i had pit x greyhound and two old bulldogs i was only after rabbits or deer i wouldnot of risked my old dogs on a panther

    • Haha 1
  14. the dogs was off i let them go before i saw it i had three with me they was going nuts they ran up the field they knew it was there it was only when i shone the lamp from where id come i saw it

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  15. i saw a panther about ten years ago at 3 in the morning i dont know if it was an escapee but i know it looked in pristine condition,it was 100 per cent a panther i stuck the lamp on it before it shot off,i only know what i saw and im sure it was a panther this was in herefordshire tbh i dont mind admitting i shit myself because its not what you expect to see,now i feel privilged to have seen it

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