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About Beaver1

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Thank you BB and Luke , I'll give it a go , I'll keep you all upto date and post some photos and a little write up if ok and if I have any luck ?? will help me out if and more than likely when I go wrong and will appreciate everyone's input
  2. Thanks everyone for the replies, I'm a bit of a traditionalist and want to learn the real art of longnetting the traditional way, I know I may have problems to begin with but I'm sure with practise and advice from the lads on here I can over come them if I start out small and build from there, my goal is to long net at night like mentioned previously, I'll wait for the book and give it a go either way it can only end in a tangled mess .. not the end of the world ?
  3. Thanks smithie really appreciate that, I've ordered the book from amazon today, it is night time netting I'd like to learn eventually but like I said before I dont know anybody local to me using long nets in particular at night, maybe a bit of a dying art in certain areas but here's hoping I'll get there one day ?
  4. Hi Terry Thanks for the advice , I'll check out the books and videos and contact Nelson and just have a go myself , I've never come across anyone local longnetting and have wanted to learn about it for a long time and was one of the reasons for joining the forum ?
  5. Hi Terry Thanks for the advice , I'll check out the books and videos and contact Nelson and just have a go myself , I've never come across anyone local longnetting and have wanted to learn about it for a long time and was one of the reasons for joining the forum ?
  6. Anybodys have any kits as above in the north west or north wales? Thanks
  7. Hello I was wondering if there was anyone in cheshire/north wales that would be willing in the coming months to let me tag along to learn more about longnetting in particular at night. Thank you
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